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Under control at ESOC

Ecsite Space Group – Get ready for the Annual Meeting 2023!

27/09/2023 367 views 19 likes
ESA / About Us / Exhibitions / Ecsite Space Group

With just two months to go, the Ecsite Space Group’s Annual Meeting is fast approaching. ESA is glad to announce that this year the Annual Meeting will take place at ESA ESOC, the European Space Operations Centre, on 30 November and 1 December. Join us for two days filled with learning and networking!

Make sure you save the date for the upcoming Space Group Annual Meeting 2023. To secure your place, follow this link and complete the registration form (the registration deadline is the 1st of November). Further details regarding the programme are provided below.

Over two intense days of activities, sessions and workshops, we'll explore a wide range of topics aimed at bringing European space accomplishments closer to the general public. Since 2012, Ecsite and ESA have joined their forces, networks and capabilities to share information about the European space programmes, endeavours and accomplishments within the space sector.

Through the Ecsite Space Group, key players from Europe's space arena, such as the European Space Agency, national space agencies, industries, research institutions, and academia, have the possibility to connect with science communication professionals. With over 200 members, the group benefits from the already established European networks of Ecsite, as well as ESA's European Space network and its Member States. The Ecsite Space Group convenes twice a year, during the Ecsite Annual Conference (in June) and the Space Group Annual Meeting (at the end of each year). Thanks to the support of ESA and its consolidated membership, the Space Group’s ultimate mission is to foster the exchange of ideas and projects with the aim of making the European space achievements accessible to a broader public.

The two-day workshop will cover:
- Guided visit to ESA ESOC, Heart of European Space Operations- Cultural visit to Mathildenhöhe.
Workshop and Sessions
- Session I:
What's upcoming in my institution?
Museum showcases
- Session II: Latest news from ESA
An exhibition presenting ESA latest achievements and ambitions.
Outreach and Education resources for Museums
ESA Communication Highlights for 2024
DLR latest news. DLR Communication Highlights.
Public Engagement through Story Telling
- Session III: Space Group in 2024
Preconference in ECSITE annual conference, Slovenia.
Ideas and proposals for next meetings.

For a detailed program of activities, please visit this link. If you're curious to learn more about the Ecsite Space Group, you can find additional information here.

For further information, contact:

Raquel García Hernández
Space Group Coordinator for ESA
Tel: +34 679 82 16 03

Sandra Benítez Herrera
Education Scientist and ESAC Communication Officer, ESA co-chair of the Space Group
Tel: +34 609665424