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Mr. Philippe Achilleas, France

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Dr. Philippe ACHILLEAS


Maître de conférences

Vice-Dean, Law School – University Paris-Sud 11

Director of the Institute of Space and Telecommunications Law

Director of the Master in Space Activities and Telecommunications Law


7, rue Brochant – 75017 Paris

Date of birth: 2 July 1970 (38 years old)






2003                  Habilitation à diriger les recherches, Government award to direct PhD students in public law


2000                  Qualification by the National University Council in public law, French competitive exam to teach at university level


2000                  Doctorate in International and European Law - with honors

                         University Panthéon - Sorbonne (Paris I)


1994                  Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies, One year post Graduate Study in Communication Law - with honors

University Panthéon - Assas (Paris Il)


1993                 Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies, One year post Graduate Study in International Law and International Organisations- with honor

University Panthéon - Sorbonne (Paris I)


1992                  Maîtrise in Public Law

Law Faculty Jean Monnet at Sceaux (ParisSud - 11)



French:  Mother tongue

English: Bilingual

Greek:   Very good knowledge, reading, written and spoken

Indonesian:  Beginner


Knowledge of computer software

Software: Word, PowerPoint and Publisher

Data Base: ISIS(Developed by the UNESCO)





University teaching


1993 - 2009        Law Faculty Jean Monnet in Sceaux (Université Paris Sud - 11, France)

Maître de conférences since 2001 (Tenure)


Founder and director of the Master’s programme in Space Activities and Telecommunications Law (mark given by the French University Evaluation Agency to the master’s programme : A+)

Co-founder of the Master in Law of International and European Activities


Courses: International Public Law, European Law, International Relations, Human Rights and Social Freedoms, Administrative Law, Economic Public Law, Space Law, Telecommunications Law, and Media Law


2000 - 2009        International Space University (Strasbourg, France)

Part-time Faculty in Law and Policy


2004 – 2009      Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité – Supelec (Orsay, France)

                        Guest lecturer in Space and Telecommunications Law


2005 – 2009      Ecole Nationale de l’Air et de l’Espace (Supaéro) (Toulouse, France)

                         Guest lecturer in Space and Telecommunications Law


Since  2009       Institut d’Etudes Politique – Sciences-po (Paris, France)

                         Guest lecturer in Law of regulation


2002 - 2007        Cleveland University (USA)

                         Adjunct Professor in International Law


2004 – 2006      Ecole de Formation du Barreau – Barrister school (Paris, France)

                        Guest lecturer in Law


2000 – 2005      University Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg, France)

Guest lecturer in Law


2000 – 2001      University of Evry (France)

Guest lecturer in Administrative Law


1995 – 2000       American Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy (Paris, France)

                         Guest lecturer in New Technologies of Information Law and Policy


1996 – 1998      International Institute of Public Administration - Paris

                                 Guest lecturer in International Law




Founder and Director of the Institute of Space & Telecommunications Law – Université Paris Sud – 11


Publications, Studies and Participation in Colloquiums in various fields linked to international law and New Technologies (full list of works and publications available in the Annex):

¨      International and European Law

¨      Space Law and Space Policy

¨      Communications Law and Policy

¨      Human rights          


University Administration


Vice-Dean for International Relations, School of Law, Economy and Management, University Paris-Sud 11



Other Educational Activities


 Coach for the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition


Judge for the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition, European Round Since 2003


Director of the competition Space & Human Rights organized in collaboration with the European Court of Human Rights (2001; 2002)



Other Scientific Activities


Member of the Bord of the European Center for Space Law


General Secretary of the Association pour le Développement du Droit de l'Espace en France


Member of the working group for the elaboration of the French Space Legislation, under the supervision of the French Prime Minister (2005-2006)



Representative to the United Nations


Representative of the International Space University to the Legal Sub-Committee of the Committee of Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (2000 – 2002).







1.       Droit de l’espace – télécommunications, observation, navigation, défense, exploration, Brussels, Larcier, 2009 (Under the supervision of).


2.    La Force des Nations Unies à Chypre, Paris, Montchrestien, 2001, 200 p.


3.    La télévision par satellite - aspects juridiques internationaux, Paris, Montchrestien, 1995, 2nd edition, 1997, 201 p.




4.       Le droit international de l’espace", Droit de l’espace – télécommunications, observation, navigation, défense, exploration, under the direction of Philippe Achilleas, Brussels, Larcier, 2009, pp. 13-31


5.       "Un an de régulation du marché des communications électroniques", Communication – Commerce électronique, n° 2 February 2009, pp. 19-25.


6.       "La loi française sur les opérations spatiales", Revue juridique de l’économie publique, January 2009, pp. 7-9.


7.       "Le droit international des communications électroniques", Jurisclasseur droit de la communication, fasc. 7350, September 2008, 24 p.


8.       "French Remote Sensing Law", Journal of Space Law, Volume 34, 2008, n°1, pp. 3-9.


9.       "La révision du « paquet télécom », in l’Europe dans la société de l’information, under the direction of Frédéric Perron, Brussels, Larcier, 2008, pp. 11-18.


10.   "Fracture numérique : objectifs politiques, moyens juridiques", in l’Europe dans la société de l’information, under the direction of Frédéric Perron, Brussels, Larcier, 2008, pp. 77-86.


11.   "Internet et libertés", Jurislcasseur Libertés, fascicule 820, January 2008, 28 p.


12.   "La nouvelle directive « services de médias audiovisuels sans frontières »", Europe, March 2008, pp. 4-8.


13.   "Un an de régulation du marché des communications électroniques", Communication – Commerce électronique, n° 2 February 2008, pp. 19-25.


14.   "La France se dote d’une législation spatiale nationale", Revue de Droit des transports, June 2007.


15.   "Le statut international de l’astronaute", dans L'adaptation du droit de l'espace à ses nouveaux défis, mélanges Simone Courteix under the direction d’Armel Kerrest, Paris Pedone, 2007, pp. pp. 55-70.


16.   "Droit des technologies de l’information", Géobservateur, 2007.


17.   "Droit de la télévision par satellite", Géobservateur, 2007.


18."International Regimes", in Export Control Law and Regulations Handbook, under the direction of Y. Aubin and A. Idiart, Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International, 2007, pp. 19-82.


19. "Un an de régulation du marché des communications électroniques", Communication – Commerce électronique, n° 2 February 2007, pp. 18-25.


20. “Une Société mondiale de l’information inclusive comme préalable à la formation des opinions publiques, in L’opinion numérique, under the direction of Agathe Lepage, Paris, Dalloz, 2006, pp. 111-127.


21.   "Conclusions" in Galileo, la navigation par satellite européenne, under the direction of Aurélien Desingly, Paris, IFRI, 2006, pp. 213-225.


22.   "Le Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l’Information, au-delà de la polémique", Communication – Commerce électronique, n°1, January 2006, p. 2.


23.   "Le droit communautaire des communications électroniques", Jusrisclasseur Communication, Fasc. 4650, July 2005, 34 p.


24.   "Le statut international de l’astronaute", Proceedings of the Colloquium on the Legal land Ethical Issues of Human Space Flight, Paris, UNESCO, 2005, pp. 13-28


25.   "La diffusion de programmes illégaux par satellite – l’affaire Al Manar", Communication – Commerce électronique, n° 2, Febuary 2005, pp. 39-42.


26.   “French Space Legislation Development – The New French Legislation on Satellite Frequencies Assignments”,  Proceedings of the 47th Colloquium on the Law of auter space, IISL, Vancouver (2004), AIAA, 2005, pp. 130-133.


27.   “Un nouveau cadre réglementaire pour les communications électroniques en France", Communication – Commerce électronique, n°11, November 2004, pp. 10-14.


28. “Le nouveau contexte juridique européen de la diffusion audiovisuelle", La libéralisation audiovisuelle, enjeux technologiques, économiques et réglementaires, sous la direction de Thomas Paris, Paris, Dalloz, 2004, pp. 105-128.


29. "Le régime juridique des assignations de fréquences relatives aux systèmes satellitaires", Communication – Commerce électronique, September 2004, pp. 30-34.


30.   “Propaganda via Satellite", Proceedings of the 45th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, AAIA,2003,  pp. 258-262.


31. "Les médias et la guerre en Irak au regard du droit international", Communication - Commerce électronique, June 2003, pp. 10-13.


32. "La libéralisation des activités de télédétection par satellite", Actes des Journées d'Etude de la Société Française de Droit International, Paris, Pedone, 2003, pp. 77-91


33. “Le droit international face à la globalisation de la communication. Le cas de la télévision", Actes de la Ve Rencontre internationale de la Faculté des Sciences juridiques, politiques et sociales de Tunis, Paris, Pedone, 2003, pp. 124-150.


34. "Le droit des télécommunications par satellite", Géo-observateur, n°12, September  2002, pp. 24-48.


35. "Le droit de la télévision par satellite", Géo-observateur, n°12, September 2002, pp. 59-66.


36. "High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery and Human Rights", Proceedings of the 44th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, AAIA, 2002, pp. 235-238.


37. "Custom in SpaceLaw", Proceedings of the 10th ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy, 2002, pp. 58-68.


38. "Globalization and commercialization of satellite broadcasting: current issues", Space Policy, n°18, 2002, pp. 37-43.


39. "Le droit international des médias", Proceedings of the Colloquium Le droit d'auteur face à la retransmission par câble et par satellite, organisé par l'Université d'Evry, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001, pp. 185-224.


40.  “Broadcasting by satellite - Legal aspects”, Proceedings of the ECSL Summer University,  2001,15 p


41.  “L’espace audiovisuel européen le bilan des dix premières années du droit européen spécial de l’audiovisuel”, Proceedings of the ECSL Summer University, Geneva, September 1999, 40 p.


42.   “Droit et technologie spatiale”, Proceedings of the French - Vietnamese Colloquium Espace, réseaux et télécommunications: évolutions technologiques et enjeux juridiques, Hanoi, Maison d’édition politique nationale, 1999, pp. 199 - 229.


43.  “L’Etat “responsable” dans la directive Télévision sans frontières”, ECSL News, n°18-19, Febuary 1999, pp. 7-9.


44. “Liberté d’information et télévision par satellite - les antennes paraboliques”, Legipresse, n°127, December 1995, pp. 93-113.


45.  “La télévision par satellite face aux principes de liberté et de souveraineté”, Proceedings of the Colloquium Marché et Nation - Regards croisés, under the direction of Professor B. Stern, Paris, Montchrestien 1995, pp. 285-311.






Responsible of the Space Law Chronicle for the monthly review Communication et Commerce Electronique  edited by the Jurisclasseur since May 2002.



Articles in collaboration


46.  “Destination Chypre - La politique aéroportuaire chypriote à l’aube de l’adhésion à l’Union européenne” (in collaboration with L. Guinamard), Aéroports magazine, n°298, May 1999, pp. 38-43.


47.  “Chypre” (in collaboration with T. Tryphon), in La CIG 96 - Perceptions nationales under the direction of Mr. S. el Sayegh, Ed. Godefroi de Bouillon, Paris, 1996, 16 p.



Colloquiums and Conferences







1.      Régulation des communications électroniques : expériences partagées, Colloquium co-organized by the Faculty of Law of Sibiu, Faculty of Law of Sibiu, Romania, may 2008.


2.      L’Europe dans la société de l’information, Colloquium co-organized with the Faculty of Law of Sibiu, Faculty of Law of Sibiu, Roumania, June 2007.


3.      Aspects éthiques et juridiques des séjours spatiaux de longue durée, Colloquium co-organized with ECSL and UNESCO, Paris, UNESCO Palace, October 2004.


4.       Le Droit de l’Espace et la Station Spatiale Internationale, Faculty Jean Monnet, Sceaux, April, 2001.






1.       Aspects juridiques de l’utilisation des technologies spatiales à des fins de gestion des catastrophes, International Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Disaster Management and Emergency Situations in Africa – Technical, Organizational and Legal Aspects, co-organized by CRAST-LF, ISESCO, CRTS, EMI and UN/OOSA, Rabat, Morocco 10-12 October 2008.


2.       Aspects juridiques de l’utilisation des données d’observation de la terre dans la gestion des catastrophes, International Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Disaster Management and Emergency Situations in Africa – Technical, Organizational and Legal Aspects, co-organized by CRAST-LF, ISESCO, CRTS, EMI and UN/OOSA, Rabat, Morocco 10-12 October 2008.


3.       Le contrôle des marchés pertinents dans le secteur des communications électroniques, Colloquim on the Regulation of Telecommunications Market in Europe, co-organized by the Institute of Space and Telecommunications Law and the Faculty of Law of Sibiu, Faculty of law of Sibiu, Romania, May 2008


4.       50 ans de droit de l’espace, Colloquium on the Realities and Perspectives of the European Integration at the Time of Globalization, organized by the Faculty of Law of Sibiu, Faculty of law of Sibiu, Romania, May 2008


5.       French Remote Sensing Law, 2nd International Conference on the State of Remote Sensing Law, organized by The National Center for Remote Sensing, Air and Space Law, University of Missipi School of law, USA, January 2008.


6.       La révision du paquet télécom, Colloquium on Europe in the Information Society, co-organized by the Institute of Space and Telecommunications Law and the Faculty of Law of Sibiu, Faculty of law of Sibiu, Romania, June 2007.


7.       La fracture numérique, Colloquium on Europe in the Information Society, co-organized by the Institute of Space and Telecommunications Law and the Faculty of Law of Sibiu, Faculty of law of Sibiu, Romania, June 2007.


8.       Panorama des législations spatiales nationales, Colloquium on Space national legislation, co-organized by CNES and the French Council of State, Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Paris, France, January 2007.


9.       Droit des technologies de l’information, Second Workshop on Law of Space and Space Activities, organized by ECSL and CRTS, Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale, Rabat, Morroco, June 2006


10.   Droit de la télévision par satellite, Second Workshop on Law of Space and Space Activities, organized by ECSL and CRTS, Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale, Rabat, Morroco, June 2006


11.   Droit des télécommunications spatiales, Second Workshop on Law of Space and Space Activities, organized by ECSL and CRTS, organized by ECSL and the CRTS (Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale), Rabat, Morroco, June 2006


12.   Recent French Law Evolutions in Space Activities and Applications, Colloquium "Towards a Legal Framework for Space Activities and Applications: Belgian, Comparative and European
Perspectives", organized by the European Interparlementary Space Conference, the Minsitry of Science of Belgium  and the University of Leuven, Senate of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium, April 2006.


13.   The status of crews and passengers, ECSL Practitioners Forum on "Space Tourism – Legal and Policy Aspects", European Space Agency, Paris, France, may 2006.


14.   Conclusions, Galileo Conference, Organized the University of Reims, Congres Center, Reims, November 2005.


15.   Le régime juridique des activités spatiales chez les partenaires de la France, Séminaire intercentre, "Droit international et accords de coopération", organized by the French Space Agency (CNES), Congres Center Diagora – Labège, Toulouse, France, November 2005.


16.   La transposition du paquet télécoms en droit français, Colloquium on Audiovisual and Digital Technology organized by the ADIS, Faculté Jean Monnet, Sceaux, June 2005.


17.   The Digital Divide, ECSL Practitioners Forum on New Developments in the Field of (Satellite) Telecommunications’, organised by the European Center for Space Law ESA, Paris, France, March 2005.


18.   Le statut de l’astronaute, Colloquim on Legal and ethical framework for astronauts in space sojourns, organized by UNESCO, ESA, ECSL and IDEST, UNESCO palace, Paris, France, October 2004.


19.   French Space Legislation Development - The New French Legislation on Satellite Frequencies Assignments, 47th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, organised by the International Institute of Space Law l, Congress Center, Vancouver, Canada, October 2004.


20.   Data Policy and Security Issues, ECSL Practitioners Forum on New Issues in Earth Observation and Data Policy organised by the European Center for Space Law, ESA, Paris, France, May 2004.


21.   Planetary Protection, 46th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, organised by the International Institute of Space Law l, Congress Center, Bremen, Germany, October 2003.


22.   Legal Issues of Solar Power Satellites, Colloquium on New Trends in Space Law, University of Macerata, Macerata, Italy, May 2003.


23.   La globalisation de la communication et de l’information par satellite et le droit international, round table on the Stakes of Globalization, organized by the Collège d’Etudes Internationales, Faculté Jean Monnet, France, November 2002.


24.   Propaganda via Satellite, 45th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, organised by the International Institute of Space Law, Congress Center, Houston, USA, October 2002.


25.   Le droit international face à la globalisation de la communication, Vèmes Rencontres Internationales de la Faculté de Sciences Juridiques, Politiques et Sociales de Tunis, organised by the University of Tunis II, Université de Tunis II, Tunis, Tunisia, April 2002.


26.   La libéralisation du marché de la télédétection, Journées Spatiales, organized by the University of Jaén, Université de Jaén, Jaén, Spain, March 2002.


27.   La libéralisation des activités de télédétection par satellite, Journées d'Etude de la Société Française de Droit International, organised by the French Society for International Law, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France, March 2002.


28.   Le droit de la télévision par satellite, Atelier de Droit Spatial, organised by the Royal Center for Remote Sensing, Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale, Rabat, Morocco, Febuary 2002.


29.   Le droit des télécommunications par satellite, Atelier de Droit Spatial, organised by the Royal Center for Remote Sensing, Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale, Rabat, Morocco, Febuary 2002.


30.   Le contrôle de la collecte et de la diffusion des données de télédétection, Atelier de Droit Spatial, organised by the Royal Center for Remote Sensing, Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale, Rabat, Morocco, Febuary 2002.


31.  Comercial Remote Sensing Activities and Freedom of Information, ECSL Practitioners Forum, organised by the European Center For Space Law, European Space Agency, Paris, France, November 2001.


32.  High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery and Human Rights, 44th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, organised by the International Institute of Space Law, Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, France, September 2001.


33.  La militarisation des orbites, Colloquium Les orbites – aspects juridiques, organized by the Institute of Peace and Development, University Sophia-Antiopolis, Nice, France, May 2001.


34.  Conclusions, Colloquium Le droit de l'espace et la station spatiale internationale, Organized by the Institute of Space and Telecommunications Law, Faculty Jean Monnet, Sceaux, France, April 2001.


35.  La formation du droit de l'espace, Colloquium, l'Espace et le Droit, Organized by the DESS ATS, University March Bloch, Strasbourg, France, Mars 2001.


36.  Broadcasting by satellite and international law, Colloquium Broadcasting by Satellite in Middle East and North Africa, organised by the non-governmental organisation Article 19, International Conference Centre, Cairo, Egypt, February 1999.


37.  Droit et ingénierie de l’Espace, Colloquium Espace, réseaux et télécommunications, organised by the French Ministry of Justice, Hanoi, Vietnam, Press Centre, November 1998.


38.  Nouvelles technologies et liberté d’information, Colloquium Les nouvelles technologies: quel impact sur la liberté d’expression? organized by l’Association pluridisciplinaire de Recherche et Action en matière de développement, Nova Cinema, Brussels, Belgium, November 1998.


39.  Le droit international des médias, Colloquium Le droit d’auteur face à la retransmission par câble et par satellite, organised by the University of Evry, Evry, France, June 1998.


40.  Vers un code de bonne conduite pour les communications internationales, Colloquium Les réseaux planétaires de communication, organised by the Faculty Jean Monnet at Sceaux, Unesco, Paris, France, June 1998.


41.  La nouvelle directive Télévision sans frontières, ECSL Practitioners’ Forum, Paris, ESA, November 1997.




1.       46ème Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space organised by the International Institute of Space, Session n°1: Legal Aspects of Applications and Private Space Activities, Congress Center, Bremen, Germany, September 2001


2.       44th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Spaceorganised by the International Institute of Space Law, Session n°1: Emerging issues of interpretation and application of space treaties, Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, France, September 2001.




1.       Atelier de Droit Spatial, Session n°3, organised by the Royal Center for Remote Sensing, Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale, Rabat, Morocco, Febuary 2002.



Conferences lecturing


1.       TV via satellite, legal issues, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, September 2007.


2.       Satellite Communications Law, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, September 2006. 


3.       Régulating TV via satellite, University of Perugia, Italy, September 2005.


4.       Internet via Satellite, University of Graz, Austria, September 2004.


5.       Regulating Satellite Broadcasting, University of Graz, Austria, September 2004.


6.       Who owns mars ?, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseaux, France, Mars 2004.


7.       Internet via Satellite, University of Louvain, Belgium, September 2003.


8.       Regulating Satellite Broadcasting, University of Louvain, Belgium, September 2003.


9.       La fracture numérique, AAAF Alsace, Strasbourg, France, juin 2001


10.   Carriers Opportunities in Space Law, Space Law Seminar, University of Applied Sciences, Lüneburg, Germany, December 2002.


11.   Satellite Broadcasting Regulation, Space Law Seminar, University of Applied Sciences, Lüneburg, Germany, December 2002.


12.   La globalisation de la communication et de l’information par satellite et le droit international, conference on les Défis de la mondialisation, organized by the Collège d’Etudes Internationales, Faculté Jean Monnet, France, November 2002.


13.   Satellite Broadcasting regulation, Faculty of Law of La Rochelle, France, September 2002


14.   Space-Based Treaty Verification Systems: legal aspects, CalPoly University, Pomona, USA, August 2002


15.   Regulating Satellite broadcasting: the European Model, CalPoly University, Pomona, USA, August 2002


16.   Cutsom and Space Law, Nice, Institut du Droit de la Paix et du Développement, September 2001


17.   Illegal Content on the Internet, International Space University Summer Session, Bremen, Germany, August 2001


18.   Space and the Media, International Space University Summer Session, Bremen, Germany, August 2001


19.   La télévision par satellite: entre liberté et souveraineté, AAAF Alsace,Colmar, France, Juin 2001


20.   Le droit intrenational du multimédia, University Robert Shumann, Strasbourg, France, Novembre 2000


21.   Broadcasting by satellite: legal aspects, Cologne, Germany, Institute of Air and Space Law, August 2000


22.  Broadcasting by satellite: between globalization and regionalisation, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, September 1999


23.  Le droit de l’Espace, Ecole de Formation du Barreau Paris, France, April 1999


24.  Les bouquets satellitaires et le droit européen, Brest, University of West Brittany, France, September 1998


25.  La télévision par satellite: les nouveaux enjeux pour la souveraineté, University of West Brittany, Brest, France, September 1998


26.  Les consteliations de satellites et le droit, University of Lapland,Rovaniemi, Finland, August 1997


27.  La télévision par satellite, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, August 1997



Research contracts


Director of Research


French Space Legislation – 2005

Contract: IDEST (University Paris Sud – 11) / CNES – French Space Agency


Legal Issues of Space Tourism - 2004

Contract: IDEST (University Paris Sud – 11) / International Space University


Legal issues of Planetary Protection - 2003         

Contract: IDEST (University Paris Sud – 11) / European Space Agency


Legal issues of Solar Power Sources - 2003        

Contract: IDEST (University Paris Sud – 11) / European Space Agency


Draft Law on public billposting – 1998

Contract: CREMOC (University Paris Sud – 11) / Cambodian Ministry of Culture


Draft Law on Intellectual Property - 1997

Contract: CREMOC (University Paris Sud – 11) / Cambodian Ministry of Culture




Boosting Ukrainian Space Cooperation with the European Union – 2008/2010

Twining Project UA/06/PCA/OT/05, Legal expert


National Space-related Vulnerability Assessment – 2002

Contract: IDEST (University Paris Sud – 11) / Canadian Ministry of Defense


Privatization of Space Assets and Operations – a look abroad – 2001

Contract: International Space University / Lockheed Martin Space Operation


Digital Private Copy and Public Law - 1999

Contract: CERDI (University Paris Sud – 11) / French Ministry of Culture


Cooperation in Space Law in Vietnam and Thailand 1999

French Ministry of Justice


Financing innovative space applications for non-scientific international treaties, agreements and programs – 1997

Contract: ADDEF / European Space Agency


Manual on Communication Law - 1995

French Ministry of Defense


Creation of a Data basis on Space Law and Space Policy - 1993

French National Research Center


PhD Thesis Supervisor


Atsuyo Ito, Legal issues of using space for environment protection and sustainable development


Sethu Nandakumar Menon, Dispute resolution mechanism and space law


Turi Takaya, Legal issues of space weaponisation


Amal Rakibi, Legal issues of dual-use of space technologies


Calvin C. Saunders, Competition Law in the Satellite Telecom Market


Jung Yung-jin, Control of Space Activities in Far-Eastern countries