ESA title
Enabling & Support

ESA and the Arctic videos

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ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Space for Earth / Arctic

Some videos and animations related to Arctic research within ESA

Antarctica and Greenland's contribution to sea level change

Ozone hole over the Arctic

Sea-ice thickness and volume from SMOS and CryoSat

Polarstern under the radar

Sentinel-1B services tracking sea ice

Greenland glaciers seen by three generations of radar missions

Earth's shifting ice

Eiffel Tower on ice

Essential climate variables: Ice sheets

Essential climate variables: Sea ice

 Cold Facts


 Copernicus programme


 Earth explorers programme

 Gateway to the arctic

 Monitoring lake ice


 ISS benefits for humanity


Iceberg  monitoring in the Arctic and Antarctic


 Arctic sea ice


 SMOS reveals thin sea ice


 Sentinel-1 radar mission


 Arctic ice thickness 2010-2013

Monthly sea ice volume (2011-2012)

Monitoring weather and climate from space


Cryosat mission


Earth from space: water and ice


Earth from space: ice in motion


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