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Enabling & Support

Apply now to the pool of MELiSSA PhD (POMP) program!

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ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology / Melissa

MELiSSA (Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative) is the European Project closed life support system. It aims to produce food, water and oxygen for manned space missions where otherwise these supplies would result in a tremendous cost.

 A system as complex and extended as the MELiSSA loop requires a multidisciplinary approach. Scientists and engineers from different domains work together to reach the target of a robust closed loop system, and to implement the generated knowledge in our daily life. Due to its complex nature and principal objectives, the MELiSSA project requires a strong interaction between different processes as well as between research institutes.

In order to reinforce this interaction and for the continuity of the research,  a pool of MELiSSA PhDs (POMP) program, fund and managed by the MELiSSA Foundation, is established. This program is set up to attract students of faculties of Sciences, Engineering and Agronomy (Bioengineering). The main objective is to organize a European competition for MELiSSA PhDs candidates, over five countries: Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Ireland and Romania.

The deadline to apply to a PhD topic is September 15th 2015.

More information on the PhD subjects and admission requirements can be found on the  MELiSSA Foundation website.