Landscape and land cover dynamics in the Karnali Floodplain - Part 2

This exercise is divided into two parts and requires the use of LEOWorks.
We will continue working with the images 'Bardia_landsat_2002_band 7' and 'Bardia_landsat_1990_band 7'.
Generate still images by producing a Combined Image using Red for 2002 (band4), Green for 1990 (band4), and Blue for 1990 (band4).

The image displayed in red covers the situation in a Landsat ETM satellite image of 2 February 2002, and the image displayed in green and blue is the one recorded by the Landsat TM satellite on 8 November 1990. The stronger reflection of chlorophyll in the near infrared band 4 in 2002 leads to a reddish coloured vegetation in this combination.

1. Explain why. Is the change a result of time or just seasonal?

2. Explain the large, red patch in the upper part of the image.

3. What is the significance of the cyan colour?

Difference image: Red 2002, Blue-Green 1990 (BNP)
There is something especially interesting in this 'difference' image. Since the two images were acquired from different orbits (resulting in a different viewing angle) they have also strangely flipped in the image animation exercise. We can use this to visualise them in 3-D. For doing this you have to view your difference image (shown above) with a red-cyan glass and, as if by magic, you would see it in 3-D!


Last update: 16 April 2013

Bardia National Park

 •  Introduction (
 •  Location (
 •  Geology and soil (
 •  Weather and climate (
 •  People and settlements (


 •  Worksheet introduction (
 •  Overview - working on paper prints (
 •  Bardia Region Overview - Image processing (
 •  Landscape and land cover dynamics in the Karnali Floodplain (
 •  Habitat suitability evaluation for rhinoceros in Bardia (

Eduspace - Software

 •  LEOWorks 3 (
 •  ArcExplorer (

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