Remote sensing of ice and snow

This case study explores the physical and spectral properties of ice and snow. Examples of satellite imagery in different spectral bands are provided, as well as an exercise to identify spectral signatures in satellite imagery. The imagery will be processed with the use of the LEOWorks software.

After having completed this case study, you should have an understanding of how ice and snow reflect radiation in the visible to infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Moreover, you should be able to use this knowledge to identify ice and snow in multispectral satellite imagery.
Last update: 11 April 2013

Remote sensing of ice and snow


 •  Ice – a special substance (
 •  Optical properties of ice and snow (
 •  Example (


 •  Introduction (
 •  Purpose of the exercise (
 •  Exercises (

Related link

 •  GlobGlacier Project (