National Homepage > Denmark


National websiteDenmark
Contact pointSteen Petersen
National event24 January 2006, Nordborg
Carsten Andersen, Bellah?j Skole
On 4th October, the Danish Science on Stage competition took place in Odense. At the same time ”The Danish Science-Champ” was selected.

The overall winner was: Carsten Andersen, Bellahøj Skole with his project 'Weightlessness'.

Carsten has for several years worked with astronomy and presented a project concerning exercises with weightlessness of the body. His project is very ambitious and has been carried out with partners from Belgium, Holland, France and the European Space Agency, ESA.
Gitte Hass, Tingkrskolen
The other winners were: Simon Hempel-Jørgensen, Sdr. Vang Skole Nanna Kristensen, Kirke Helsinge Skole Steen Pedersen, Danfoss Universe Povl-Otto Nielsen, Poul la Cour museet and Gitte Hass, Tingkærskolen
Last update: 17 July 2007