
Ecological Development Project of Buzau County

Ecological Developement of Buzau's Hilly Area, Romania
Subject Biology, chemistry
Level Upper secondary
Language English
Type Experiement, project/team work

This presentation is about the Ecological Development Project of Buzau County’s hilly area which describes the stages of the project with the help of a model, presenting an associated didactical kit with scale models of unconventional energy sources, present a model of an environmentally friendly house which uses un-conventional sources of energy and finally show a documentary film entitled “Geo-morphological phenomena”, which the students made during their field trips for the project.
Contact details
NameValeriu Dumitrescu
Last update: 17 July 2007

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 •  Ecological Development Project of Buzau County PPT (http://esamultimedia.esa.int/docs/scienceonstage/RO_Ecological_development_ BuzauHills.ppt)