Kick-Off Meeting of TMA-Bridge

Kick-Off Meeting of TMA-Bridge

EC facilities in Brussels
14 September 2004
The TMA-Bridge project officially started with 2-day Kick-Off meeting at the EC Beaulieu Facilities in Brussels, held 9th and 10th September 2004.
Objectives of the project
This meeting provided an opportunity for the TMA-Bridge partners (ESA, WHO, ITU and EC) to meet external invited experts in eHealth from industry, other European groups and WHO headquarters. The general objective of TMA-Bridge is to facilitate the achievement of political harmony for eHealth in Europe by:

  • facilitating the realisation of the European Commission eHealth Action Plan

  • defining the most relevant needs for transnational services

  • Specific objectives will be to propose solutions for all aspects of interoperability issues including political, social, organizational and technical interoperability aspects.
    Work plan of the TMA-Bridge project
    An ambitious and challenging workplan was presented to the participants and the occasion allowed fruitful discussion and concrete planning towards realization of the team's goals. In addition to the documentary deliverables, the project will be organising a couple of workshops where key decision-makers and experts will be invited to participate. The aims of these workshops will be the subject of interoperability and strategy. This ambitious plan also includes participation in congresses and symposia and supporting selected working groups and workshops. Finally, the project will produce a position paper that will be presented to the Commission.

    With the conclusion of this successful Kich-Off meeting, the project was lauched under favourable auspices.

    More information

     •  TMA-Bridge Team Members (