European Space Agency

Divisional structure and staffing

Solar System Division homepage

The Solar System Division provides the support to all solar system missions and performs related research activities. In addition, SSD is the current home for two scientists supporting the Agency's activities in Fundamental Physics, including the programme coordination and planning in the Director's Office.

The Division's staff are located at two centres:

In addition, the Ulysses Science Coordinator is located at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, USA.

Staff of the Division proper hold posts within the SSD complement and are funded from the SSD budget. Staff associated with science operations (except the Project Scientists) hold supernumerary positions (i.e. they fall outside the formal staff complement) and are funded from the budgets allocated to these programmes.

Project and Study Scientists report directly to the Head of Division. The research activities are coordinated in several Research Units. The subdivision into solar physics, space plasma physics and heliospheric science, planetary research and fundamental physics reflects the disciplines of ongoing research. There is an overlap in the interests and activities of some of the scientists, especially between space plasma physics and planetary research. The Research Units provide a basis for the integration of Research Fellows. Their continued presence has been a vital prerequisite for maintaining a healthy research environment. Stagiaires and (non-ESA supported) research students also contributed in increasing numbers to the research programme.

Technical staff in the Division work closely with the responsible lead scientist on specific research projects. The Laboratory and Engineering Group Coordinator and the Computer Group Coordinator are responsible for coordinating the technical support and resource requirements arising in their respective areas. Experiment hardware is manufactured in the Flight Instrumentation Support Group.

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Right Left Up Home SP1211
Published August 1997.