ESA title
ActInSpace 2018 - the worldwide space spin-off 24H contest

JOIN the Biggest Space Application Hackathon in the world

03/05/2018 20282 views 2 likes
ESA / Applications / Technology Transfer

More than 3000 competitors in 5 continents, 35 countries, 73 cities will join ActInSpace 2018 to compete 25-26 May to come up with the smartest innovative idea from over 70 challenges, and thanks to Space Technologies!

JOIN if you want to be innovative, and turn space technology into something new for us here on Earth.

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Midway between a hackathon and a start-up weekend, ActInSpace will show how space technologies are serving applications in all areas of our daily lives. Open to entrants from all horizons, the competition aims to develop entrepreneurship and forge ties between space stakeholders and citizens by setting challenges for teams to solve based on patents, software, data or space infrastructures.

Learn more about this exciting opportunity, you can join in 73 different cities worldwide here.

And visit to know where YOU can participate.