And we have a winner!

Sentinel-5P song by Scuola Primaria A. Moro (Alserio, Italy)

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17 January 2018

We received hundreds of beautiful entries for the Sentinel-5P competition, making it really hard for the judges to make up their minds. We finally agreed on one grand winner and four runners-up. Congratulations to two fifth-grade classes of Italy for the amazing artwork, songs, and models they produced, all celebrating the most recently launched Sentinel satellite!

The two fifth-grade classes sent us a CD with videos of children singing songs about Sentinel-5P, rapping to lyrics written especially for the satellite. The drawings and models were all very impressive. The children’s artistic talent covered more angles than any other participant. Congratulations!

Colegio Filipense "Blanca de Castilla" (Palencia, Spain)

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Our first runner-up is another class, this time from Spain, who produced some amazing models, drawings, and paintings of Sentinel-5P.

Anna-Kittenbacher-Schule (Germany)

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Our second runner-up is a class from Germany who deserve a special mention for originality. They made a Sentinel-5P model and attached the instructions on how to make it! The instructions are published on the right of this page. Well done, class!

Angel (Spain)

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Our third runner-up is 8 year-old Angel from Spain, who did this wonderful model of Sentinel-5B orbiting our planet Earth.

Carla (Spain)

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And last but not least, Carla, from Spain sent us a beautiful 2-D drawing of Sentinel-5P, deserving a runner-up position as well.

The winning artwork is now published in our Space Gallery. Thank you to all those who participated and good luck with next month’s competition!

Previous winners