ExoMars competition winners announced!

Emily (Ireland)

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13 July 2016

We are pleased to announce that the winner of our ExoMars competition is Emily from Ireland. Congratulations, Emily! Great collage of ExoMars approaching Mars!

Enrique (Spain)

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Our first runner-up is Enrique from Spain who created this great model showing ExoMars and its Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) approaching the Red Planet. Good work, Enrique!

Rebecca (UK)

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Our other runner-up is 4 year-old Rebecca, who drew this wonderful picture of Mars and Earth holding hands! Just as in Rebecca's drawing, Earth is roughly twice the size of Mars!

Congratulations to all our winners, and thanks to all of you who participated! The winning artwork is now published in our Art Gallery. And for those of you would like to learn more about the ExoMars mission, check out Paxi's video (Do Martians exist?) in the right navigation bar!

Congratulations to all our winners, and thanks to all of you who participated! The winning artwork is now published in our Art Gallery. Go check it out!

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