User Interfaces with the Space Station Programme

An overview of the user's or Payload Developer(PD)'s interfaces with the Space Station Programme is given in ESA SP-1202 (RD3). The paragraphs below summarise points specific to the EXPRESS Pallet User, following instrument or payload selection.

Once an instrument is selected an ESA Payload Integration Manager (PIM) will be identified as the user's principal point of contact to the Space Station Programme. The PIM will be responsible for the suscessful integration of the instrument into the EXPRESS Pallet system and the supporting ISS infrastructure. The PIM will ensure that the user's requirements are accurately defined and documented, are compatible with the EXPRESS Pallet accommodation and are properly implemented. The PIM provides the user with documentation such as the Payload Accommodation Handbook (PAH) and an Interface Definition Document (IDD) and later will be responsible for ensuring the development and baselining of a payload unique Payload Interface Agreement (PIA) and Interface Control Document (ICD).

The PIA will document agreements between the user and the Space Station Programme covering aspects such as separate and joint responsibilities, schedules for payload development, payload item (hardware, software and documentation) delivery, payload safety reviews, training requirements, etc. This agreement will be put under configuration management control and will remain in force through integration, launch, installation, operation and retum of the payload to the customer.

The ICD will be developed from the EXPRESS Pallet Interface Definition Document (IDD) and will document, for each payload, the design requirements which shall be complied with in order to certify a payload for integration onto the ISS. The physical, functional, and environmental design requirements associated with payload safety and interface compatibility are included in the payload ICD. This document also forms the basis for specific payload pre-flight and on-orbit verification requirements. A Payload Verification Plan (contained within the PIA) will document agreements between the Space Station Programme and the user concerning the applicable verification requirements, verifization methods, data requirements and associated submittal dates required to verify the safety and interface compatibility of payload hardware and software as indicated in the ICD.

The ESA point of contact for questions on this document is:

Mr. A. McGrath
Keplerlaan 1
NL-2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands
Fax: +3171 5656603

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Right Left Up Home SP1201
Published January 1997.
Developed by ESA-ESRIN ID/D.