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University students and trainers visiting the 20m L-band IOT antenna of Galileo at  ESEC

A look back at our first ESA Academy’s Navigation Training Course

07/07/2023 1393 views 23 likes
ESA / Education / ESA Academy

From 26 to 30 June, the first ESA Academy’s Navigation Training Course took place at ESEC-Galaxia, the European Space Security and Education Centre , in Belgium. Developed in collaboration with ESA’s Directorate of Navigation, the course attracted 30 Master and PhD students of 12 different nationalities from engineering and scientific subjects with basic knowledge of Navigation to enrich their university portfolio with a unique experience. Let’s have a look at the event and impressions from the participants!  

Students during their visit to Galileo Integrated Logistic Support Centre in Transinne, Belgium
Students during their visit to Galileo Integrated Logistic Support Centre in Transinne, Belgium

It was a unique and eye-opening experience to learn about GNSS, particularly Galileo's space and ground segment, from the experts actively involved in its development. Additionally, I am highly grateful to have had the opportunity to work internationally and meet people all over Europe sharing interests in space. I am sure that the knowledge and skills gained during this course will be very beneficial for my professional carrier” said a student from Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien).  

Students were first introduced to the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) with focus on Galileo - from Services, Architecture and System Performance to the difference between Space and Ground Segments. They also learnt about Galileo support to Safety of Life, Search and Rescue, Beacon Command Service and Emergency Warning Services. Later on, students had the chance to follow a Galileo In-Orbit Testing lecture complemented with a visit to Galileo’s 20m IOT L-band antenna at ESEC. Is worth mentioning that all trainers involved in this training session, are experts that developed and currently are at the forefront of the Galileo system! 

University students working on a Group Exercise with the support of ESA trainers.
University students working on a Group Exercise with the support of ESA trainers.

I liked the course because, first and foremost, it made us realize how much we needed navigation. At school, I studied many of the same concepts as navigation (signal propagation, modulation methods, antenna studies, etc.), but mainly from a mathematical point of view. This course gave me a completely new perspective. It sparked a new curiosity in me, and I am even more keen to continue in this field!” commented a student from the Institute of Polytechnic Science and Aeronautics (IPSA). “Putting the theoretical knowledge we had accumulated throughout the week into practice through exercises enabled us to better understand complex subjects, to work with students from other backgrounds, and to discover the working methods of renowned experts” the student continued. 

But the course was not only made of theory… Practice was the most thrilling part! Students had the opportunity to work in groups on three different exercises focused on:  

Last but not least, students received an exclusive tour of key facilities providing an essential part of the Galileo system, like the ESEC , at Redu in Belgium and the Galileo Integrated Logistics Support Centre

"Joining the ESA Academy Navigation Training Course was an adventure worth every moment. The infectious passion and knowledge shared by the trainers and the genuine and heartwarming bonds formed with fellow participants have left an everlasting imprint on me. This experience will forever hold a special place in my heart” concluded a student from the University of Naples Federico II. 

We are looking forward to welcoming more students for the second edition! 


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University students and trainers at ESEC-Galaxia in Belgium
University students and trainers at ESEC-Galaxia in Belgium