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Industry Space Days 2024

Meet Europe’s space community at ESA’s Industry Space Days 2024

04/03/2024 707 views 8 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA / Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Registration is now open for this year’s Industry Space Days (ISD) at ESA’s ESTEC technical centre in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, on 18–19 September 2024.

At ISD 2024, the space business community can meet future business partners, showcase their capabilities, and hear from ESA as well as new, emerging and established players in the European space industry.

The eleventh edition of the ISD is an opportunity for companies, especially SMEs, to introduce themselves to the wider space community and present their products, services and R&D during pre-arranged business-to-business meetings (B2B) and an industry exhibition.

Building contacts at Industry Space Days
Building contacts at Industry Space Days

As in previous years, ESA welcomes all companies, laboratories, start-up companies, universities and research centres with an interest in the space business to join the forum. The Agency expects between 1500 and 2000 participants.

The ISD is organised by the ESA SME section in ESA’s Directorate of Commercialisation, Industry and Competitiveness to foster cooperation between different actors in the entire space sector.

Register for the ISD 2024 to:

  • discuss prospective business with new contacts
  • find new customers, suppliers or investors in an efficient and time-saving manner
  • build relationships with industrial partners, agencies, investors and institutions
  • showcase distinctive products, services, expertise and technologies
  • attend workshops and conference presentations on business opportunities and market trends.
Pre-scheduled one-to-one meetings
Pre-scheduled one-to-one meetings

Key elements of the ISD include pre-arranged one-on-one meetings, scheduled via a dedicated online platform, an industry exhibition with 170 ESA and industry booths as well as a conference with panels and presentations, including ESA top-level management.


Participants interested in taking part in the ISD can register at:

The registration fee is EUR 50 (excl. VAT) and includes entry to the event, access to the B2B platform, shuttle bus services as well as two lunches and a networking reception.

Companies can also express their interest in reserving an exhibition booth (EUR 800 excl. VAT + EUR 50 participation fee) during the registration process.

The event is open to entities and investors from ESA Member States, Associate States and Cooperating States.

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