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The European Astronaut Centre in Cologne, Germany

Internships at the European Astronaut Centre

20/03/2014 4822 views 4 likes
ESA / About Us / Careers at ESA

The Astronaut Training Division at the European Astronaut Centre in Cologne is offering two student internships for four to six months focusing on CAVES, an expeditionary team training programme conducted by ESA as a space analogue, in underground caves. 

Internship 1 – Integration of CAVES 2011 data

From CAVES 2011, data from multiple sources has been collected for topographical representation of the cave, photographs, data logs for meteorological and environmental data, and information related to biological, microbiological and geological samples. All these data exist as separate sets, not referenced to the cave location where they have been collected other than via a location code. Integration of such data will be the task of the selected candidate.

Internship 2 – Development of server and data collection apps

A few ruggedized netbooks, and tablets shall be able to interact in the underground environment via wireless network. A low power server (i.e. based on Raspberry-Pi) shall make available on such network services to collect and synchronize the data taken by the astronauts on the individual mobile devices. The selected candidate shall assemble and configure such a server as well as develop the data collection apps to be deployed on the mobile devices.

Please send your application to indicating if you are applying to internship 1 or 2. For more information please see the links provided.

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