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SCS's co-founders, Marko Pajovic and Anja Nakarada Pecujlic at the IAC 2018

Introducing the Serbian Case for Space Foundation

22/11/2018 1966 views 6 likes
ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

As the first “Friends of the ECSL” we would like to introduce the Serbian Case for Space Foundation (SCS). A think tank that shares the values of the ECSL and works towards spreading awareness, knowledge and encourage the development of the legal framework relevant for outer space activities. In order for ECSL members to get to know our new friends, we asked the SCS to tell us a bit about what they do and how they do it. 

Serbian Case for Space Foundation

The Serbian Case for Space Foundation (SCS) was established on October 15th 2017 in Belgrade (Serbia), as a think tank organization with the aim to promote the importance and benefits of Serbia’s engagement in the space domain. SCS is comprised of young professionals, with experience in both academia and private industry. 

The objectives and activities of the SCS:

Utilizing their knowledge in the fields of space law and policy, international and national law they are focused on fulfilling the following three important objectives and activities.

  •  Raising the awareness of the general public in Serbia regarding numerous advantages that space systems offer (both up-stream and down-stream) and diverse applications that they provide.
    To achieve this, SCS is regularly publishing articles and organizing lectures, public events and talks on diverse topics, ranging from space law, the use of Earth observation satellites in flood defense, to the diplomatic significance of being included in the space community.
  • Establishing a network between the private sector, academia and governmental agencies in Serbia, and connecting them to international partners.
    To this end, SCS signed several partnership agreements with local NGOs that deal with cyber security, environment protection and international law. Furthermore, SCS members maintain close contact with the state University of Belgrade, local research institutions, several private companies and the start-up community. It is the intention of the Foundation to inform all the key stakeholders and potential actors (both governmental and private) about the relevant norms and principles that govern conduct in the space sector.
  •  Encouraging Serbian government to join international space organizations. Membership in UN COPUOS is one of the Foundations’ prime goals.
    Thus, SCS offers an independent platform for developing a national space policy and strategy. In addition, Members of SCS are participating in space conferences around the world, presenting papers, taking part in panel discussions, and exchanging experiences with other experts.


The Achievements of the SCS: 

In the first year of its existence, the SCS has been actively engaged in all three areas and has achieved the following:

1. In order to raise awareness SCS has:

 A. Participated in Klimaton events in Belgrade that aim to spread information about relevant climate change issues and dangers. SCS contributed by covering the role of satellites in climate monitoring and discussing the relevant legal framework.

B. Participated in NASA Space App Challenge 2018 in Belgrade and gave a lecture on space law. SCS presented the historic background, general principles of space law and then focused on relevant norms for the utilization of space apps.

C. Organized a lecture, entitled “Climate Change and Satellites” at the Center for the Promotion of Science in Belgrade. On this occasion, the creation of international space law, its application, and relevance for diverse satellite activities were discussed. In the next step, SCS will organize a series of lectures on the topic of space law across Serbia at the local Centers for the Promotion of Science.

Marko Pajovic, co-founder and COO of SCS speaking at a conference
Marko Pajovic, co-founder and COO of SCS speaking at a conference

 2.  In order to establish a network between private sector, academia and governmental agencies in Serbia, and connect them to international partners, SCS: 

A. Became a local partner with the following NGOs: “Jedan Stepen Srbija” (One degree Serbia) that deals with climate change; “Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence” that deals with security, integration and international cooperation; “Share” that deals with data protection and cyber security; and we hope to soon become partners of the Serbian Astronomers Society.

B. Established contact on an international level with: UN OOSA, ESA, Intersputnik, IISL, ECSL, Eurisy, ESPI, SGAC, World Space Week, Austrian Space Forum, and Slovakian Space Policy Association. SCS hopes to collaborate and organize events with these organizations.

C. Participates, alongside two other NGOs, in a project “Forests and climate” that is funded by the Ministry of ecology. This project aims at solving local problems by assessing which areas should be re-forested in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

3. In order to encourage Serbian government to join international space organizations, SCS:

A. Contacted Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Serbia, in order to initiate steps for Serbia to become a member of the UN COPUOS.

B. Participated in the first UN Conference on Space Law in Policy in Moscow 2018 and International Astronautical Congress in Bremen 2018.

C. Is assessing Serbian space and space related industrial capabilities. The analysis will be published in a report in 2019.

SCS members are looking forward to sharing their knowledge and experience in the space law field and providing information to those interested in pursuing a career in the space domain. Furthermore, SCS is open for cooperation with organizations sharing similar goals and wishing to become a partner.


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