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ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

22 - 23 June 2006

Thursday 22 June 2006

9.00-10.00: Official opening CRTS-ECSL
10.15-11.30: Space law : Sources and concepts , Prof. E. Back Impallomeni, University of Padua

Coffee break

11.45-13.00: United Nations principles and treaties, Prof. S. Marchisio, University of “La Sapienza”, Rome


14.00-14.45: COPUOS role and actions, Mr N. Hedman, UN OOSA, Vienna

14.45-15.15: Round table : COPUOS members relations :
Western States Group, Mr. J-F. Mayence, Federal Public Planning Service (PPS) Science Policy - Kingdom of Belgium
Africain states group, CRASTE LF
ECSL/CRTEAN Workshops : presentation of the results and of the Declarations “Tunis I ”and “Tunis II”, Prof. S. Marchisio, University of “La Spienza”, Rome

15-15-16.30: Liability principles : definition and implications, Prof. A. Kerrest, University of Brest, France

Coffee break

16.45-18.00: Space telecommunication law, Prof. P. Achilleas, IDEST University Paris XI, France

Friday 23 June 2006

9.00-10.15: National space law : Which approach ? Round table :
French case, Prof. A. Kerrest, University of Brest
Belgian space law, Mr. J. - F. Mayence, Federal Public Planning Service (PPS) Science Policy - Kingdom of Belgium
Moroccan case, D. El HADANI CRTS/Maroc

Coffee break

10.30-11.45: Satellite Broadcasting Law , Prof. P. Achilleas, IDEST, Paris X

11.45-13.00: Contractual Management of risks related to commercial satellites , Prof. L. Ravillon, University of Dijon


14.00-15.15: New technologies of information and communication (NTIC), Prof. P. Achilleas, IDEST, University Paris X

Intellectual property law and spaces activities, Prof. L. Ravillon, University of Dijon

15.15-16.30 Coffee break

16.45-18.00: Future perspectives for space space? Round table :
M. G. Lafferranderie, President ECSL
M. G. Brachet, President UNCOPUOS
Mr N. Hedman, UN OOSA

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