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ESA Today: Special issue on ESA's Technology Transfer Programme

21/05/2007 438 views 0 likes
ESA / Applications / Technology Transfer

Pioneering technology developed for satellites are today providing innovative solutions for systems on Earth. Since 1990 ESA has promoted the spin-off in non-space fields of its advanced developments. The ESA house journal ‘ESA today’ focuses on this in a special April issue on ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme.

"Our aim is to promote the use of space technology in non-space fields for the maximum benefit of European citizens," says Frank M. Salzgeber, acting Head of ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme Office.

By finding applications for space-based technologies, the Technology Transfer Programme Office acts as a bridge supporting suitable transfer projects by providing funding, in partnership with others, for feasibility studies, pre-marketing studies and creation of prototypes. It also provides seed funding and support for start-up companies through facilities known as business incubators.

To know more, download the 'ESA today' special April issue on ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme 'The space needed . . . to get business ideas off the ground.

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