ESA title

ESA space solutions trademark – Product Usage

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ESA / Applications / Connectivity and Secure Communications / Space solutions
ESA's space solution trademark
ESA's space solution trademark


Why should you have the ESA space solutions logo on your product?

  • Certification of ESA quality label on your product and marketing material;
  • Right to use the ESA space solutions Logo on your product;
  • Benefit from the ESA space solutions network: Invitation to events, trainings, promotion opportunities, and access to knowledge (starting 2015);
  • Marketing exposure through ESA and its partner network’s channels.


Who should apply?

  • Technology Transfer participators: Donors and receivers of the space solutions whose transfer is accepted by ESA;
  • Start-ups graduate from the ESA BIC programme;
  • Any party whose product originates from space technology, data or systems, and exploited into terrestrial usage or application.

What is the process?

1. Please apply by providing ESA Technology Transfer Programme Office with the details below:

Details about the company:

  • Complete licensing application form
  • Name of applicant and summarized CV, Contact details
  • Name of the company, contact details
  • Name of official representative
  • Company’s mission statement


Details about product and services (for which you want to use the trademark):

  • Name of product or services
  • Description of products or services
  • Sector of industry the products or services are targeting
  • Space connections
  • Analysis of market and competitors
  • Product or services sales and distribution plan
  • Product manufacturing location and quality assurance details
  • Main suppliers details
  • Planned market price
  • Last year’s gross sales
  • Forecasted gross sales
  • Executive summary of business plan


2. Upon request, send a sample or prototype of product.

3. A board will review your application, checking: (1) Application completion (2) Product or services’ quality (3) Space relationship (4) Market readiness (5) Risk analysis of usage.

4. Within 4 weeks, after the board’s approval, you will be granted the usage of the logo on your product as well as on your marketing material related to this product.

5. Once accepted in the programme, the licensee will need to conform to the rules, policies and graphical guidelines.

6. Over the next years, you will remain a part of the space solutions network, updating us on your product and business, and benefiting from the network benefits.

Fees for use of trademark*

  • Administration fees upon approval of trademark usage - 1000 Euros
  • Royalty fees percentage upon sales, to be discussed

*Waived for 2020 and 2021

Application form


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