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CanSat with parachute

ESA selects teams for the 10th European CanSat Competition

17/01/2020 4229 views 15 likes
ESA / Education / CanSat

The ESA Education team is delighted to announce that the following teams from Luxembourg, Canada and Hungary have been selected to participate in the 2020 European CanSat Competition:

  • LTS – 1, Luxembourg
    • The team from Luxembourg Tech School aims to raise awareness on global warming by evaluating the concentration of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and NH4 at different altitudes and locations. This will help determine the relationship between features on the Earth’s surface at a given location and atmospheric measurements, including gas concentrations.
  • Alouette, Canada
    • The team from St. Thomas More Collegiate in Vancouver plans to scan for infra-red heat signatures with the application for search and rescue missions in missing hiker scenarios, as well as forest fire detection below cloud cover. Real-time data transmission and visualisation increases the usability for emergency search and rescue teams across Canada. 
  • CSapat, Hungary
    • The team from Budapest XIII. kerületi Berzsenyi Dániel Gimnázium in Budapest wants to demonstrate their proof-of-concept CanSat by measuring planetary weather conditions, magnetic field and other planetary phenomena. The CanSat will then conduct a directed landing using GPS data and an integrated paraglider. 
Team work is key for a successful CanSat project
Team work is key for a successful CanSat project

These teams will participate alongside the winners from ESA Member States that have a National Competition as well as Japan and Malta who are guest competitors. The European CanSat Competition will be held from 21-26 June 2020

Each of the teams will spend the months leading up to the European CanSat launch campaign building and testing their CanSat and refining all their fantastic scientific ideas. ESA Education have a series of classroom resources available to aid the CanSat teams throughout the competition. 

The location of the 10th European CanSat Competition will be announced in the coming months. Stay tuned, as the 10-year anniversary of the European CanSat Competition will be one to remember!

CanSat being launched
CanSat being launched

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