ESA title
Next steps taken in flexible solar arrays
Enabling & Support

Next steps taken in flexible solar arrays

20/02/2022 1052 views 4 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology / Shaping the Future

The current state of the art for solar array architectures is mainly based on rigid panels.

To improve the performances of a solar array, several projects of flexible solar array developments are on-going in the world, in Europe and through several GSTP activities.

Flexible solar arrays pave the way to very high power and lightweight solar arrays, achieving high levels of compactness required for multiple satellite launches and to a high level of modularity.

A recent activity with  GSTP and Thales Alenia Space, Belgium, looked into the development of the processes relevant for applying the photovoltaic assembly on flexible blankets. The activity needed to align the production of these flexible cells with manufacturing 4.0 processes and the automation that reflects.

The objective of this activity was to demonstrate and build the first flexible prototype photovoltaic modules. These involve several flexible cells onto a rollable blanket. They were built incorporating heritage and newly developed processes. The modules were submitted to thermal cycling testing to demonstrate the adequacy of the design and the processes that withstand a standard GEO qualification programme. Since the processes and design were not fully consolidated the extensive testing demonstrated a few improvements needed in the design for how to do things in any follow up activities.

In parallel, a further activity was undertaken, to investigate alternative flexible blankets for use as the substrate on which to bond solar cells and other photovoltaic components.


GT17-137TIk closed in 2021.