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Science & Exploration

Live on the Internet - 'Habla ISS' radio contact with Pedro Duque

25/10/2003 839 views 2 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Cervantes Mission

On 26 October at 13:07 CET (12:07 UT), six groups of children from schools in Spain, and one school in Portugal, will talk to Pedro Duque on board the International Space Station during an ARISS radio contact. You too can listen in live on the Internet, as Pedro talks to them from space.

The children are all prize winners in the 'Habla ISS' contest that was held earlier this year. School classes were asked to send their questions for Pedro, along with drawings and essays.

The 'Verbum Casa Das Palabras' museum in Vigo will host the live radio contact with ISS, during which the children will ask their questions to directly Pedro Duque.

Listen and watch LIVE!!

A winning entry from the children of Class 1 of the CP Ramon Laporta primary school from Sinarcas
A winning entry from the children of Class 1 of the CP Ramon Laporta primary school from Sinarcas

Everyone within the circle of visibility can listen to Pedro's answers coming from ISS. The downlink frequency is 145.800 Mhz. Radio contact will begin at 13:07 CET (12:07 UT) and will last for 10 minutes.

The event will also be broadcast live on the Internet by the Radio Club de Teleco Vigo at

You can also watch the event on the museum's webcam at

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