ESA title
Science & Exploration

'Habla ISS' events for primary school students

24/10/2003 590 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Cervantes Mission

During the Cervantes Mission, as part of the ESA Education Programme, educational activities have been organised for children all over Spain. In collaboration with science museums, cultural centres and schools, ESA will encourage the children to discover space through attractive didactical materials, games and activities.

After the launch of the Cervantes Mission on 18 October 2003, ESA Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain, emphasised the importance of the educational activities during the mission: "The most important is the communication with students, because during the coming 15 years, we will need many more young scientists and engineers realising space activities."

'Habla ISS' winners

On 25 October, children from the six winning classes of the national 'Habla ISS' contest, who come from all over Spain and one location in Portugal, will gather in Vigo. Later they will look out for the International Space Station as it passes overhead in the night skies.

'Verbum Casa Das Palabras' museum in Vigo, Spain
'Verbum Casa Das Palabras' museum in Vigo, Spain

The next day, the 'Verbum Casa Das Palabras' museum in Vigo will host a live radio contact with ISS, during which the prize winners will be given the opportunity to ask their questions to Spanish ESA astronaut Pedro Duque!

Everyone within the circle of visibility can listen to Pedro's answers coming from ISS. The downlink frequency is 145.800 Mhz. Radio contact will begin at 13:07 CET (12:07 UT) and will last for 10 minutes.

On the same day the museum will host a complete programme of activities, with several surprises... This event will be actively supported by the 'Os Caças' association, Centre for Initiation to Space Science and Technology in Portugal.

Other 'Habla ISS' events

Throughout the Cervantes Mission many other children will have the chance to participate in space activities organised for them by ESA together with the science museums, cultural centres and schools.

  • 22 October at the 'Parque de las Ciencias' museum in Granada: 200 children from 6 to 12 years old
  • 23 October a primary school in Ourense, participated in an ARISS radio contact (Amateur Radio on the ISS) talking live with Pedro Duque in ISS
  • 24 October 'Cultural Centre' in Zaragoza, 300 children from 10 to 12 years old.
  • 24 October 'Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia' in Madrid, for children from 6 to 9 years old
  • 25 October 'Casa de las Ciencias' museum in La Coruna, 100 children from 10 to 12 years old

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