ESA title
Science & Exploration

European Lunar Lander call for declarations of interest

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Lunar Lander

This call for declarations of interest invites members of the science and exploration community to register their interest in proposing a surface payload for the European Lunar Lander mission.

This Call for Declarations of Interest (CDI) invites members of the Science and Exploration community to register their interest in proposing a surface payload for the European Lunar Lander mission.

This Call for Declarations of Interest (CDI) invites members of the Science and Exploration community to register their interest in proposing a surface payload for the European Lunar Lander mission. This call is released in order to support discussions with national agencies regarding potential contributions and to inform preparations for an Announcement of Opportunity (AO) expected in early 2013, subject to the outcome of the next ESA Council at ministerial level in November this year. The subsequent AO will lead to the formal selection of the payload to be delivered to the lunar surface and operated as part of the Lunar Lander mission.

Deadline: July 6th 2012

See "Download Area" on the right menu for associated documents

Contact information:
James Carpenter
Lunar Lander Project Scientist

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