ESA title
Alps and Northern Italy as seen by Envisat

Benefits from Space for Sectorial Policies for High Mountain Security

02/09/2005 411 views 0 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth

A conference on the Benefits from Space for Sectorial Policies for High Mountain Security will take place in Geneva from 8–9 September 2005. The context of high mountain regions is specific and requires particular attention.

The fragile equilibrium of this environment is rendered highly vulnerable by an increasing number of disasters as a result of climate change and man’s intensified interactions with this ecosystem. They have direct impact on the biodiversity and natural phenomena but also on the populations of High Mountain regions and the related infrastructures.

This patrimony must be protected and preserved for many reasons, notably freshwater resources, with impact far beyond the borders of High Mountain regions.

This conference should increase the awareness of decision-makers and experts of international organisations at European and UN level as to the challenges in terms of civil protection for disaster mitigation, management and rehabilitation as well as infrastructure protection in the fields of transport, telecommunications and energy.

The conference will focus on the role and benefits of space technology and applications for the above-mentioned needs and will address related capacity building.

The conclusion of the conference will be the establishment of a concrete catalogue of measures and actions from space applications and related capacity building in favour of High Mountain regions, notably in the GMES process (Global Monitoring of Environment and Security, the joint ESA/European Commission initiative).


Information The Conference “Benefits from Space for Sectorial Policies for High Mountain Security” will be held in Geneva on 8 and 9 September 2005, at the Centre de Conférences Varembé (CCV), 9 rue de Varembé, Geneva, Switzerland Registrations form and detailed programme can be downloaded from the EURISY Website: Press interviews will be organised at the CCV, on both days of the conference.

In order to participate, please contact Mary Fouassier, EURISY
tel: + 33 (0)1 47 34 00 79,
fax: + 33 (0)1 47 34 01 59,

This conference is co-organised with UNESCO, ESA, INTA, I-Space, FFG and IMONT.

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