ESA title

SMOS End-to-End Performance Simulator (SEPS) now available

16/07/2002 824 views 1 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / FutureEO / SMOS

During the ‘extended Phase A’ of the SMOS mission an end-to-end performance simulator (SEPS-SMOS End-to-end Performance Simulator) was developed, which is now available for the European science community. SEPS is a flexible software tool, which is modular and open to the integration of new routines and processing steps. The ultimate goal of SEPS is to enable industry and scientists to evaluate the SMOS end-to-end mission performance in a reliable and highly representative way.

EADS CASA Espacio (Spain) developed the SEPS software under funding from the European Space Agency (ESA).

Under the terms and conditions of ESA Contracts, EADS CASA Espacio owns the SEPS Intellectual Property Rights, while ESA has the right to grant applicants within the territories of ESA Member/Participating States (Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom), sub-licenses to use software for peaceful space purposes.

If you fall into this category, you may apply for a SEPS license by downloading the general SEPS LICENSE, printing it, signing it and sending it to:

Postbus 299
Keplerlaan 1 (LICENSE)
2200 AG Noordwijk
For the attention of Ms N Boisard (IMT-CS)

All other applicants (i.e. users outside the Member States or users intending to use the software for other than peaceful space purposes) are invited to request a license directly from EADS CASA Espacio.

It is planned to upgrade the current version of SEPS. Therefore, SEPS users are requested to provide detailed feedback. Please note that a dedicated SEPS web page providing hands-on experience will soon be made available on the CESBIO SMOS page (

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