ESA title
Copenhagen, Denmark

Watch 'GMES in Action' live from Copenhagen

01/06/2012 637 views 0 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth

Discover more about Europe’s space programme for the GMES Global Monitoring for Environment and Security programme via live web stream on 4–5 June.

The conference will highlight the importance of GMES in managing the environment, understanding and mitigating the effects of climate change and ensuring civil security to decision-makers and European citizens alike.

User testimonials of pre-operational services, prospects for increased benefits of a fully operational programme and socio-economic assessments will form the core of the conference programme.

High-level speakers from the political environment and institutions as well as representatives from different thematic areas like economy, health, energy, agriculture, climate change and disaster management will state their views, experiences and expectations.

Representatives of the political establishment will provide policy and programmatic contributions.

On Monday, 4 June, the live stream will run from 10:30 to 11:30 CEST and will include opening statements from political figures such as Morten Østergaard, Danish Minister of Science, Innovation and Higher Education.

On Tuesday, 5 June, concluding presentations will be streamed from 13:45 to 15:30 CEST.

The final agenda for the event can be found on the conference homepage.

Registration for the conference is still open. Those who wish to attend can register online.

GMES in Action is an associated event of the Danish Presidency of the Council of the EU. It is being organised by the ESA, the European Commission, the European Environment Agency and Eumetsat.

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