ESA title
Enabling & Support


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ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Space for Earth / Space for health

Water, the mainstay of life on Earth affects humanity in many ways, from providing drinking water and water for our vegetation and food, to the oceans, and their temperature and currents, and their levels, which, if they change, could flood many densely inhabited regions.


A list of recent and current projects supported by ESA is given below.

  • Water recycling and Quality Control
    Water being the largest life support consumable by mass aboard manned space infrastructures, water recovery is becoming absolutely mandatory to decrease the cost for resupply of long-duration missions.
    Contact: Christophe.Lasseur @   More info »»


    This project focuses on the use of space technology for water resource management in Africa and providing concrete actions to match the Resolutions, following the 2002 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development
    Contact:   More info »»


  • IWAREMA - Integrated Water Resource management for Zambia
    Zambian water authorities are integrating information based on satellite imagery to alleviate water shortages. With inadequate information causing many water-related problems, an ESA project has generated a variety of environmental maps to provide local policy makers with the necessary tools for effective water resource management.
    Contact:   More info »»


NO2 levels over Europe - zoom for detail
NO2 levels over Europe - zoom for detail

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