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Some of the cables laid beneath the floor
Enabling & Support

New CDF - Integration Begins

17/10/2007 592 views 1 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology / CDF

Following hard on the heels of the builders, the audio-visual (AV) integration (by AVEX – NL) of the new CDF has begun, with the laying in of “kilometres” of cables, both below the floor and above the false ceiling to support the AV equipment.

Some of the larger AV equipment arriving
Some of the larger AV equipment arriving

Some of the AV equipment was too large to arrive via the normal means, so a window at the back of building EG was removed and the equipment brought in this way (very Dutch!).

And more waiting in the truck
And more waiting in the truck
Projection screen structure being erected
Projection screen structure being erected

Following delivery, installation of the structure for the projection screen and projectors (by BARCO - B) was relatively rapid.

Mock-up of the proposed technical workstation
Mock-up of the proposed technical workstation

Progress on the implementation of the IT installation and technical workstations (by TERMA - NL) has also been good and a mock-up of the proposed workstation is shown here.

Of course a task of this size and complexity has not gone without a few technical hitches, but thanks to the concurrent design philosophy of trust, integrity and communication fostered between all parties, these problems have been kept to a minimum and have been quickly resolved. Delivery of equipment and implementation of the new facility is set to continue for the coming weeks.