ESA title
Enabling & Support

The spiral of success - the new CDF logo

30/06/2005 935 views 0 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology / CDF

Developing a nice logo for CDF is a little like cooking a special meal in the kitchen: a little pinch of art here, a sprinkling of science there, and adding a twist of psychology when tasting. The logo needs to be original (but not too trendy) and memorable. You want it to look professional and it must be understandable to all audiences.

Silvia Bayon, a Young Graduate Trainee at ESTEC’s Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) may not be Spain’s best-known chef but her design for a new CDF logo recently won her a prize. The design was finalised with the help of Hugo Simoes in ESA Publications and incorporates ESA's official blue colours. The logo's interlinked letters represent CDF's integrated approach and iterative design process.