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Space Safety

Asteroid Day press conference participants

29/01/2016 4320 views 11 likes
ESA / Space Safety / Hera

The following people will speak at the Tuesday, 9 February press conference (either live or remotely):

  • Moderator: Stuart Clark, astronomy author and journalist
  • Brian May, astrophysicist, co-founder of Asteroid Day
  • Grig Richters, filmmaker and co-founder of Asteroid Day
  • Franco Ongaro, Director of Technical and Quality Management, ESA
  • Ian Carnelli, Asteroid Impact Mission manager, ESA
  • Detlef Koschny, Space Situational Awareness Near-Earth Object co-manager, ESA
  • Richard Moissl, Rosetta instrument liaison officer, ESA
  • Stephan Ulamec, Philae lander manager, German Aerospace Center DLR
  • Patrick Michel, planetary scientist, senior researcher at CNRS French National Centre for Scientific Research
  • Lord Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal, UK
  • Mark Boslough, physicist and planetary defence expert, Sandia National Laboratories, adjunct professor, University of New Mexico, Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry
  • Ed Lu, Shuttle astronaut, asteroid expert and Founder/CEO of B612 Foundation
  • Dumitru Dorin Prunariu; Romanian astronaut, founding member Association of Space Explorers and liaison to the UN Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Space
  • Tom Jones, Shuttle astronaut, planetary scientist, Chair,  Association of Space Explorers Committee on Near-Earth Objects
  • Chris Hadfield, Canadian astronaut
  • Rakesh Sharma, Indian cosmonaut


Information for media

Media are also invited to tour the ESTEC facility, beginning at 13:00 CET.

RSVP for ESTEC or remote attendance:

Questions: or via Twitter (#AsteroidDay)

Journalists requesting one-to-one interviews: contact Diane Murphy,

Press conference will be webcast: RSVP for access instructions.


Further information

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @AsteroidDay or contact


Media Contacts

Diane Murphy: US: +1 310 658 8756,

ESA:  Ninja Menning:  +31 6 21 43 75 58,

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