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Curriculum Vitae (Extended version)

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Personal data
Surname: Von der Dunk
First names: Frans Gerhard
Date of birth: 6 January 1959
Place of birth: Bilthoven (The Netherlands)
Sex: Male
Civil state: Married (three sons)
Nationality: Dutch
Office address: International Institute of Air and Space Law Faculty of Law, Leiden University Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES Leiden, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31-(0)71-527.77.24/42
Telefax: +31-(0)71-527.76.00

University: University of Leiden, The Netherlands.
Responsions in History (additional courses: West-European Expansion, Theory of International Relations): October 1981.
Doctoral in Modern History (additional courses: Economy, History of Political Theories, International Law): July 1986.
Courses International Institutional Law, European Community Law and Human Rights Law, Fall 1986.
Doctorate International Space Law, September 1998.

Dutch, English and German fluently; French reasonably well.

MS-DOS/WordPerfect & Windows and Apple Macintosh systems.

Assistant Professor, Department of Public International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Leiden, February 1987-December 1999.
Associate Professor, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Leiden, January-September 2000. Co-Director, International Institute of Air and Space Law, Faculty of Law, University of Leiden, September 1990-July 2004. (Profession-ctd)
Academic Co-ordinator, LLM Programme in International Air and Space Law, Faculty of Law, Leiden University, September 2000-December 2002.
Director, Space Law Research, International Institute of Air and Space Law, Faculty of Law, University of Leiden, July 2004- June 2007.
Director, Black Holes B.V., Leiden, July 2007- . Professor of Space Law, College of Law, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, January 2008- .

Honours and distinctions
Honourable Mention, Space Essay Contest, World Bar Association, Englewood (Colorado), May 1995.
Distinguished Service Award of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Vancouver, October 2004.
Honorary Professor, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, 2004- .
Social Science Award of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), Valencia, October 2006.
Harvey and Susan Perlman Alumni / Othmer Chair of Space Law, Lincoln, 2008- .

Doctorate supervisions
T.C. Brisibe, International Law and Regulations of Aeronautical Public Correspondence by Satellite, defended Leiden, November 2006
G.M. Goh, Dispute Settlement in International Space Law – A Multi-Door Courthouse for Outer Space, defended Leiden, April 2007
F. Tronchetti, The Exploitation of Natural Resources of the Moon and other Celestial Bodies: a Proposal for a Legal Regime, defended Leiden, December 2008

Private Enterprise and Public Interest in the European ‘Spacescape’ – Towards Harmonized National Space Legislation for Private Space Activities in Europe (1998), Dissertation, xv + 311 + XCII pp.

“De Prins weergekeerd onder Professoren” [The Prince Returned Amongst Professors],150 De Gids (1987), 536-54. “Het ‘Diplomatieke Recht’ en de Weense Conventie van 1961” [‘Diplomatic Law’ and the Vienna Convention of 1961], 13-4 Jason (1988), 6-12.

“Israël en/of Palestina: Een Broederstrijd in Vogelvlucht” [Israel and/or Palestine: A Fraternal Fight in a Nutshell], in Telders’ Study Trip ‘89 (1989), 61-80.

“ESA and EC: Two Captains on One Spaceship?”, in Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (1990), 426-35.

“Challenges and Opportunities: The European Communities and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe”, 3 Leiden Journal of International Law (1990), 247-57.

“The Swedish and British Space Acts and Private Commercial Enterprise under Public International Law”, Memoria, Conferencia Espacial de las Americas (1991), 336-42.

“Law and Practice - European National Space Agencies under International Space Law”, in Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (1991), 370-4.

“The Unification of Germany and International Law”, 12 Michigan Journal of International Law (1991), 510-57 (Co-author: Prof. dr. P.H. Kooijmans).

“The spider in the web and the rainproof umbrella - The two-tiered approach to a national legal framework for private space activities and a German example”, 16 Revista del Centro de Investigacion y Difusion Aeronautico-Espacial (1991), 27-43.

“Liability versus Responsibility in Space Law: Misconception or Misconstruction?”, in Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (1992), 363-71.

“Jus Cogens Sive Lex Ferenda” [Jus Cogens as Lex Ferenda], in Air and Space Law: De Lege Ferenda, Essays in honour of Henri A. Wassenbergh (1992), 219-39.

“Legal aspects of the international space station - Genuine partnership or no genuine partnership: what is the question?”, in The Highways of Air and Outer Space Over Asia (1992), 109-20. ,p>“Pandora’s Box? The Basic Legal Framework for Doing Business with a Space Station: An Inventory of Problems”, in Legal Aspects of Space Commercialization (1992), 114-38.

“The Minsk Space Agreement: A ‘Commonwealth In Space’?”, 20 Journal of Space Law (1992), 179-89.

Japanese translation of excerpts of “Pandora’s Box? The Basic Legal Framework for Doing Business with a Space Station: An Inventory of Problems” (see supra), 3-5 Space (1992), 18-26.

“Towards A European Space Agency, Mark II? The Space Program of the Former Soviet Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States”, in Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (1993), 172-82.

“Air Transport Policy of the EC Internal Market and Its Policy towards Asia - The European Equation: Liberalization = Increasing Regulation”, in Europe Beyond 1992 (1993), 288-308.

“The Tale of the Spider and the Umbrella - Non-European National Space Laws and National Space Agencies”, in Basic Materials ECSL Space Law and Policy Summer Course (1993), 141-9.

“The Illogical Link: Launching, Liability and Leasing”, in Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (1994), 349-59.

“Satellite Communications in the European Community: the Tide is Changing Wave by Wave”, in Issues in International Air and Space Law, and in Commercial Law, Essays in Commemoration of Prof. Dr. Doo Hwan Kim’s 60th Birthday (1994), 317-54.

“Launching Activities and the Creation of Domestic Space Law: the Example of US Launching Regulations”, in Basic Materials ECSL Space Law and Policy Summer Course (1995), 245-55.

“Loopholes in Liability? Aspects of Liability for Damage Sustained in the Course of Satellite Telecommunications Activities”, 2 Telecommunications & Space Journal (1995), 153-74.

“Commercial Space Activities: An Inventory of Liability - An Inventory of Problems”, in Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (1995), 161-71.

“South Africa in Space: the New Space Affairs Act of 1993”, 23 Journal of Space Law (1995), 195-7.

“The role of law with respect to future space activities”, 12 Space Policy (1996), 5-8.

Japanese translation of “Two Revolutions In One - The Legal Framework For ‘Space Teleinformatics’” (see infra), in Japanese version of The Law of International Relations (1996), 535-62.

“Two New National Space Laws: Russia and South Africa”, in Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (1996), 251-61.

“Space for Space Law? Spatialism and Functionalism Revisited”, in Perspectives of Air Law, Space Law, and International Business Law for the Next Century (1996), 63-71.

“The Undeniably Necessary Cradle - Out of Principle and Ultimately Out of Sense”, in Outlook on Space Law over the Next 30 Years, Essays published for the 30th Anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty (1997), 401-14.

“Two Revolutions in One - The Legal Framework for ‘Space Teleinformatics’“, in The Law of International relations (1997), 547-75.

“The Dark Side of the Moon - The Status of the Moon: Public Concepts and Private Enterprise”, in Proceedings of the Fortieth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (1998), 119-24 (NB.: 11 pp. - misnumbering).

“Future Developments Relating to Outer Space Treaties”, in Proceedings of the Fortieth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (1998), 449-53.

“Preliminary Parameters for GNSS: An Overview of the Legal and Institutional Aspects of Global Navigation Satellite Systems”, 2 Space Forum (1998), 213-36.

“The Delimitation of Outer Space Revisited – The Role of National Space Laws in the Delimitation Issue”, in Proceedings of the Forty-First Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (1999), 254-64.

“The 1972 Liability Convention – Enhancing Adherence and Effective Application”, in Proceedings of the Forty-First Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (1999), 366-73.

“International Organisations as Creators of Space Law – A Few General Remarks”, in International Organisations and Space Law (1999), 335-43.

“Het ruimterecht wordt steeds aardser”[Space law increasingly comes down to earth], 27-7 Trias (1999), 2-4.

“The EOPOLE Project: Towards Coherent Earth Observation Data Policies in Europe”, 20 ECSL News (Dec. 1999), 5-7.

“Public Space Law and Private Enterprise – The Fitness of International Space Law Instruments for Private Space Activities”, in Legal Framework for Privatising Space Activities, Proceedings of the Project 2001 Workshop on Legal Issues of Privatising Space Activities (1999), 12-39.

“The Bigger Picture: Public International Law and the Future of GNSS”, 3-1 Outer Space, Newsletter of Committee Z of the IBA Section on Business Law (2000), 11-6.

“The Australian Space Activities Act of 1998”, 21 ECSL News (Apr. 2000), 2.

“De maan komt naar U toe, deze zomer... maar wat mag U er mee doen?” [The moon will come to you, this summer... but what are you allowed to do with it?], 4-2 Leonardo Times (June 2000), 28-30.

“Earth Observation and Data Policy in Europe: The Legal Issues – The EOPOLE Concerted Action Project”, in Proceedings of the Forty-Second Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (2000), 373-82.

“Regional Economic Integration in Space Communications – The Case of EUTELSAT in Europe”, in Temas de Aviacion Comercial y Derecho Aeronautico y Espacial IV (2000), 107-18.

“International obligations for national space law – an inventory”, in Needs and Prospects for National Space Legislation, Proceedings of the Project 2001 Workshop on National Space Legislation (2001), 17-24.

“Plans for national space legislation in the Netherlands”, in Needs and Prospects for National Space Legislation, Proceedings of the Project 2001 Workshop on National Space Legislation (2001), 111-5.

“Launching from “Down Under”: The New Australian Space Activities Act of 1998”, in Proceedings of the Forty-Third Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (2001), 132-41.

“The European Equation: GNSS = Multimodality + Liability”, in Air and Space Law in the 21st Century, Liber Amicorum for Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel (2001), 231-46.

“Sovereignty versus Space – Public Law and Private Launch in the Asian Context”, 5-1 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law (2001), 22-47.

“Space for celestial symphonies? Towards the establishment of international radio quiet zones”, 17 Space Policy (2001), 265-74.

“Space Debris and the Law”, in Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Space Debris (2001), 863-8.

“Report on Relevant Work of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL)”, in Project 2001 – Legal Framework for the Commercial Use of Outer Space (2001), 35-6.

“The Legal Basis for National Space Legislation – With Special Reference to the Old/New Norwegian Act on Launching Objects from Norwegian Territory into Outer Space”, in Project 2001 – Legal Framework for the Commercial Use of Outer Space (2001), 575-8.

“Ukrainian national space law from an international perspective”, 18 Space Policy (2002), 15-23 (Co-author: S.A. Negoda).

“Vikings First in National Space Law: Other Europeans to Follow – The Continuing Story Of National Implementation Of International Responsibility And Liability”, in Proceedings of the Forty-Fourth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (2002), 111-21 (Co-author: A. Nikolaisen).

“Space for Dispute Settlement Mechanisms – Dispute Resolution Mechanisms for Space?”, in Proceedings of the Forty-Fourth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (2002), 442-52.

“Sovereignty and Space: When and Where Shall the Twain Meet?”, in State, Sovereignty and International Governance, Liber Amicorum for Peter Kooijmans (2002), 463-81.

“Liability for Satellite Navigation: A Nightmare or a Lawyer’s Paradise?”, on CD-ROM: ENS-GNSS 2002 Proceedings (2002), 6 pp.

“Earth observation data policy in Europe – an inventory of legal aspects and legal issues”, in Earth Observation Data Policy and Europe (2002), 19-28.

“United Nations Principles on Remote Sensing and the User”, in Earth Observation Data Policy and Europe (2002), 29-40.

“Non-discriminatory data dissemination in practice”, in Earth Observation Data Policy and Europe (2002), 41-50.

“Intellectual property rights as a policy tool for earth observation data in Europe”, in Earth Observation Data Policy and Europe (2002), 51-9.

“Launching Alcantara into the global space economy – The 2001 Brazilian national space law”, in Proceedings of the Forty-Fifth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (2003), 310-20.

“Towards one captain on the European spaceship – Why the EU should join ESA”, 19 Space Policy (2003), 83-6.

“Of Co-operation and Competition: GALILEO as a Subject of European Law”, in Legal Aspects of the Future Institutional Relationship between the European Union and the European Space Agency (2003), 47-64.

“Working Towards A Liability Regime For GNSS”, on CD-ROM: GNSS 2003, The European Navigation Conference (2003), 12 pp. (Co-author with C. Foster).

“‘GALILEO Inside’ – Legal aspects of offering service guarantees in the context of LBS”, on CD-ROM: GNSS 2003, The European Navigation Conference (2003), 8 pp. (Co-author: C. Foster).

“What Goes Up… - Improvements to Space Object Registration and Other Possible Legal Tools”, on CD-ROM: Europe and Space Debris (2003), 9 pp.

“Launching Alcantara into the global space economy – The 2001 Brazilian national space law”, 86 Revista Brasileira de Direito Aeroespacial (June 2003), 23-9.

“Galileo and Liability: Towards a Coherent System?”, 5-2 International Bar Association Committee Z News (2003), 5-13.

“To Outer Space via Rome”, 6-1 International Bar Association Newsletter Outer Space (2004), 20-7.

Presentations, chairmanships and guest lectures

Presentations and chairmanships at international conferences, workshops and seminars: Malaga (1989); San José de Costa Rica (1990); Dresden (1990); Taipei (1991); Montreal (1991); Paris (1991); Washington (1992); Taipei (1992); Graz (1993); Bangkok (1994); Jerusalem (1994); Cologne (1995); Oslo (1995); Vilnius (1995); Delhi (1996); Rome (1997); Vienna (1997); Buenos Aires (1997); Torino (1997); Moscow (1997); Melbourne (1998); Brussels (1998); London (1999); Perugia (1999); Cosenza (1999); Oberpfaffenhofen (1999); Vienna (1999); Enschede (1999); Amsterdam (1999); Brussels (1999); Oegstgeest (1999); Shanghai (1999); Sevilla (2000); Geneva (2000); Hydra (2000); Madrid (2000); Berlin (2000); Moscow (2000); Leiden (2000); Ljubljana (2000); Brussels (2000); Amsterdam (2000); Rio de Janeiro (2000); Munich (2000); Singapore (2001); Darmstadt (2001); Vienna (2001); Cologne (2001); Brussels (2001); Toulouse (2001); Cancun (2001); London (2001); Nice (2001); Paris (2002); Brussels (2002); Delhi (2002); Copenhagen (2002); Brussels (2002); Moscow (2002); Rotterdam (2002); Utrecht (2002); New York (2002); Houston (2002); The Hague (2002); Toulouse (2002); Brussels (2002); Paris (2003); Vienna (2003); Graz (2003); Macerata (2003); Noordwijk (2003); Bremen (2003); Daejon (2003); Seosan City (2003); Berlin (2004); Paris (2004); Leiden (2004); Beijing (2004); Seoul (2004); Vancouver (2004); Rio de Janeiro (2004); Brussels (2005); Paris (2005); Riyadh (2005); Bangalore (2005); Fukuoka (2005); Hanoi (2005); Seoul (2005); Abuja (2005); Paris (2006); Graz (2006); Lissabon (2006); Montreal (2006); Noordwijk (2006); Brussels (2006); Graz (2006); Valencia (2006); Kyiv (2006); Lincoln (2007); Washington (2007); Genoa (2007); Paris (2007); Strasbourg (2007); Berlin (2007); Hyderabad (2007); Vienna (2007); Teheran (2007); Vienna (2008); Cologne (2008); Vienna (2008); Guanacaste (2008); Lincoln (2008); Los Angeles (2008); Glasgow (2008); Omaha (2008); Washington (2008); Washington (2008); Paris (2008); Lincoln (2009); Granada (2009); Paris (2009); Vienna (2009); Daejeon (2009); Seoul (2009).

Guest lectures at foreign universities or other academic institutions: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (1991, 1995); Research Group on Space Utilization and Space Policy, Tokyo (1991); Indonesian Centre for Air and Space Law, Bandung (1991); National Institute of Public Administration, Kuala Lumpur (1991); Università di Messina (1992); Universidad de Granada (1994); Università degli Studi, Padova (1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007); University of Aberdeen (1995); University of Lapland, Rovaniemi (1997); Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest (1998); Université de Genève (1999); Universidad de Vale do Paraiba (UNIVAP), São José dos Campos (2000); Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis (2001); University of Miami (2001); Université de La Rochelle (2002); Universität Köln (2003); Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2003); University of Mississippi [over the Internet from Daejon] (2003); Karl-Franzens Universität Graz (2004); Brazilian Society for Air and Space Law, Rio de Janeiro (2004); Universidad Nova de Lisboã (2005, 2009); Universitá di Perugia (2005); Technische Universität Braunschweig (2006); University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2007); Università degli Studi, Genova (2008); Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen (2009); Korea Aerospace University (2009).

(Presentations, chairmanships and guest lectures-ctd)

Guest lectures at Dutch institutions: Institute of Social Studies (ISS) (1987, 1988); Rijksopleidings Instituut Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken (1988); Instituut Clingendael (1993-1999); Instituut Defensie Leergangen (IDL) (1994-1998); University of Amsterdam (1996, 1997); Netherlands Industrial Space Organisation (NISO) (1996); Netherlands Aerospace Group (NAG) (1996); Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe (AEGEE) (1997); Rotarians Leiden (1998); Maastricht School of Management (MSM) (1998, 1999); Netherlands’ Aviation Academy (NAA)(1999); NewKnowledgeClub Rotterdam (2003); Kennisfestival Zuid-Holland (2003); Technical University Delft (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007); ESTEC Noordwijk (2006); Rijksmuseum (2006); Leiden University (2008); Leids Juristen Genootschap (2008); Rotarians The Hague (2008). Various lectures for student debating societies.

Editing activities

Member Editorial Staff, Leiden Journal of International Law, 1987-1996.

Member International Editorial Board, Space Policy, 2004- . Contributing Editor, European Journal of Navigation, 2005-2006. Series Editor, Studies in Space Law, 2006- . Peer reviewer, Space and Defense, 2008-2011.

Editor, The Implications of the CEC Green Paper on Satellite Communications in Europe, Proceedings of the First Dutch NPOC/ECSL Workshop, Noordwijk (1991).

Assistant-editor, Air and Space Law: De Lege Ferenda, Essays in honour of Henri A. Wassenbergh (1992).

Editor, New Opportunities for Cooperation in European Space Activities, Proceedings of the Second Dutch NPOC/ECSL Workshop, Noordwijk (1993).

Editor, Recent Developments in the Field of Protection and Distribution of Remote Sensing Data, Proceedings of the Third Dutch NPOC/ECSL Workshop, Noordwijk (1994).

Co-editor, Regulation of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Proceedings of the Conference on Regulation of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Noordwijk (1997).

Co-editor, Deregulation and Regulation of the European ‘Airscape’, Proceedings of the Seminar on Deregulation and Regulation of the European ‘Airscape’, Frankfurt (1997). Editor, The International Space Station – Commercial Utilisation From

A European Legal Perspective, Leiden (2006) (Co-editor: M.M.T.A. Brus).

Organisation of conferences and workshops

Presentation of the First Issue of the Leiden Journal of International Law by Mr. M. van der Stoel, Leiden (1988). First Dutch NPOC/ECSL Workshop, on “The Implications of the CEC Green Paper on Satellite Communications in Europe”, Noordwijk (1991). International Conference on the Law, Policy, and Commerce of International Air Transport and Space Activities, on “The Highways of Air and Outer Space Over Asia”, Taipei (1991). (Organisation of conferences and workshops-ctd)

Second Dutch NPOC/ECSL Workshop, on “New Opportunities for Cooperation in European Space Activities”, Noordwijk (1993). Third Dutch NPOC/ECSL Workshop, on “Recent Developments in the Field of Protection and Distribution of Remote Sensing Data”, Noordwijk (1994).

Fourth Dutch NPOC/ECSL Workshop, on “The Need for Regulation of Private National Space Activities”, Noordwijk (1995). Seminar on “Deregulation and Regulation of the European ‘Airscape’”, in co-operation with the Europäische Rechtsakademie (ERA, Trier), Frankfurt (1996).

Fifth “ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy”, in co-operation with the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL, Paris), Leiden (1996).

Conference on “Regulation of Global Navigation Satellite Systems”, in co-operation with the European Commission, ESA/ESTEC and Eurocontrol, Noordwijk (1996).

Conference on “Air and Space Law”, in co-operation with the Asociación Latino Americana de Derecho Aeronáutica y Espacial (ALADA), Buenos Aires (1997).

Meeting Attorneys Commenting on Aviation Working Group, on the forthcoming UNIDROIT draft convention on securities and mobile assets and the aviation protocol, Leiden (2000).

EOPOLE Workshop, on “Legal and New Opportunities Issues [regarding earth observation data policy issues in Europe]”, Leiden (2000). Session IBA Conference, on “Global Navigation Satellite Systems: new challenges and opportunities”, Amsterdam (2000).

Post-Academic Seminar, on “Financing of, and securities in aircraft and satellites”, Leiden (2000).

Session IBA Conference, on “UNIDROIT’s draft convention on international interests in mobile equipment”, Cancun (2001). First UN/IIASL Workshop on Space Law Capacity Building, The Hague (2002).

ECSL Practitioners’ Forum on Galileo, Legal and Institutional Aspects, Paris (2003).

IISL/ECSL Symposium on Reinforcing the Registration Convention, Vienna (2003).


Second UN Workshop on Space Law Capacity Building, Daejon (2003).

ECSL Practitioners’ Forum on New Developments in Earth Observation and Data Policy, Paris (2004).

Symposium on Legal Aspects of Commercial Utilisation of the International Space Station (ISS) – A Dutch Example, Noordwijk (2004). IISL/ECSL Symposium on New developments and the legal framework covering the exploitation of the resources of the moon, Vienna (2004).

ECSL Practitioners’ Forum on New Developments in (Satellite) Communications, Paris (2005).

Second Asian Space Conference, Hanoi (2005).

ECSL Practitioners’ Forum on Space Tourism – Legal and Policy Aspects, Paris (2006).

ECSL Practitioners’ Forum on Recent developments within the European space industry: legal aspects, Paris (2007).

ECSL Practitioners’ Forum on National space legislation in Europe – Issues of authorisation in the light of developments in European space cooperation, Paris (2008).

Conference on Near-Earth Objects: Risks, Responses and

Opportunities – Legal Aspects, Lincoln (2009).

Other activities connected with profession

Co-founder and Chairman Preparatory Committee, Leiden Journal of International Law, 1987. Coach of moot court teams, 1988- . Writer of moot court cases, 1990- .

Author (with Prof. Dr. P.H. Kooijmans) of a report for the Commissioner of External Relations, Commission of the European Communities, on “The European Communities and the Unification of Germany”, 1990.

Author (with Prof. Dr. P.H. Kooijmans) of a report for the Commissioner of External Relations, Commission of the European Communities, on “The European Communities and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe”, 1990.

Author of a report for the Commission of the European Communities, Commissioner of External Relations, on “The European Communities and the Intergovernmental Conference(s)”, 1990. Founder and Co-ordinator Netherlands’ National Point of Contact, European Centre for Space Law, 1990-2008.

Member of the Organisation Committee of the T.M.C. Asser International Law Moot Court Competition, 1991-2000.

Member of the National Contact Group ITU-regulatory affairs (NCGI), Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management of The Netherlands, 1994-2000.

Board Member, European Centre for Space Law (ECSL), Paris, 1997- . Member for the Netherlands, Committee on Space Law, International Law Association (ILA), London, 1997- .

Legal Adviser to the Dutch Government on United Nations space law and policy issues, 1997- .

Rapporteur Working Group on Legal/Institutional Issues Regarding GNSS, Commission of the European Union, 1998. Legal Adviser to the OECD Megascience Forum on radio astronomy-related legal and policy issues, 1998-1999.

Legal Expert, European Community Concerted Action project on earth observation data policy in Europe (EOPOLE), University College of London, London, 1998-2000.

Legal Adviser to the German space agency (DLR) on national space legislation, 1999.

Member, International Policy Advisory Committee (IPAC), International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), 1999- .

Director and Treasurer/Public Relations, International Institute of Space Law (IISL), Paris, 2000- . Member, Working Group on Legal Issues regarding GALILEO, Commission of the European Union, 2000-2001.

Legal Task Manager, European Union Project GALILEI, Commission of the European Union, 2001-2003.

Legal Adviser to the Dutch government on national space legislation, 2001- .

Legal Adviser to the Organisation on Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on commercialisation and privatisation of space activities, 2002-2005.

Member of the Dutch Delegation, Legal Subcommittee, UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Vienna, 2003. ECSL Observer, First Governmental Session on the UNIDROIT Space Assets Protocol, Rome, 2003.

Legal Expert, Project for a European Radio Navigation Plan (ERNP), Commission of the European Union, 2003-2004.

Legal Expert, Advantis Project for a Centralised Guaranteed Integrity Localisation Service, Commission of the European Union, 2004.

(Other activities connected with profession-ctd)

Legal Expert, GMES Organisation and System Integration Scenarios, Commission of the European Union, 2005-2006.

Legal Expert, GIANT Project (GNSS introduction into the aviation sector), Galileo Joint Undertaking, 2005-2007.

Legal Expert, GRAIL Project (GNSS introduction into the rail sector), Galileo Joint Undertaking, 2005-2007.

Legal Expert, AGILE Project (GNSS introduction into the Location-Based Services markets), Galileo Joint Undertaking, 2005-2007.

Member of the Advisory Board, Project on Satellite monitoring as a legal compliance tool in the environmental sector, University College of London (UCL), London, 2005-2008.

Legal Expert, HARMLESS Project (GNSS introduction into humanitarian aid, emergency management and law enforcement user applications), Galileo Joint Undertaking, 2006-2007. Legal Expert, Impact Assessment Relating to the Economic and Governance Evolution of Space in Europe, Risk & Policy Analysis, 2006-2007.

Legal Expert, Project on GMES Payload Data Ground Segment Security, Logica, 2008-2009.

Newspaper, radio, television and Internet interviews (Netherlands, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States a.o.).


Netherlands’ Society for International Law (NVIR), The Hague

International Law Association (ILA), London

European Centre for Space Law (ECSL), Paris (Board Member)

International Institute of Space Law (IISL) of the International

Astronautical Federation (IAF), Paris (Director and Treasurer)

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Washington (Senior Member)

Centro de Investigacion y Difusion Aeronautico-Espacial (CIDA-E),

Montevideo (Corresponding Member)

International Bar Association (IBA), Section on Business Law (SBL), London

International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), Paris

European Space Sciences Committee (ESSC) of the European Science Foundation (ESF), Strasbourg

European Space Policy Research and Academic Network (ESPRAN) of the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI), Vienna Last update: 01/02/2010