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Programme ECSL Practitioners Forum

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ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

‘New Developments in the Field of (Satellite) Telecommunications’

09.00 - Registration

Morning Session: The Regulatory Perspective
Chairman: Prof. Dr F. Lyall, University of Aberdeen

09.30 - Welcoming words
Dr G. Lafferranderie, Chairman ECSL, Paris

09.40 - Introduction
Prof. Dr F. Lyall

09.50 - Satellite communication applications in ESA
Dr P. Mancini, Applications Strategy Manager, European Space Agency, Paris

10.20 - The WTO Telecommunications Services Protocol and satellite communications
Dr. S. Mosteshar, Mosteshar Mackenzie, San Diego/London

10.50 - Coffee break

11.10 - The Digital Divide and the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
Prof. Dr P. Achilleas, University of Paris-Sud XI

11.40 - Questions, answers & discussion session

12.30 - Luncheon

Afternoon Session: The Business Perspective
Chairman: Dr F.G. von der Dunk, University of Leiden

14.15 - Supervision of privatised former telecommunication organisations
Dr D.W. Sagar, Legal Consultant, London

14.45 - Is European law preferring technologies alternative to satellite?
Mr J. Purvis, Vice-President, Corporate and Legal Affairs, SES Global, Luxembourg

15.15 - Tea break

15.35 - Running a satellite telecommunications legal service: opportunities and problems
Dr. M.H. Pichler, Ortner Pöch Foramitti Law Offices, Vienna

16.05 - Round Table Discussion

17.00 - Concluding remarks
Prof. F. Lyall, Dr. F.G. von der Dunk

17.10 - Drinks

Important: The list of topics is provisional and might change

Practititoners’ Forum 04