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ESA Telecommunication Newsletter (01/04)

30/09/2004 298 views 0 likes
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Find Out More about Space-Based Solutions for Digital Equality
ESA Telecom has set up a resource of background information and news on current activities to describe how space-based technologies can help bridge 'the digital divide'. The website shows how satellites, thanks to their global coverage, are being used to widen access to electronic communications services beyond Europe's borders.

Research and development activities covering both satellite systems and ground equipment are currently underway with a view to optimising the space infrastructures for new services and achieving significant cost reductions. Extending access to electronic communication services to everyone, particularly in those regions of our continent and underdeveloped regions of the world which have so far been disadvantaged or neglected, is a major objective.

Equal access to the latest information technologies will spell improved services - in terms of public health (telemedicine), education, and the spread of the Internet - and will encourage fruitful exchanges and economic development.


The SatLabs Group
Ensuring interoperability between DVB-RCS products

Satellite Technology to Climb Everest
Wireless health-monitoring kit used to monitor climbers

New Artemis Brochure
Order online issue or printed copy now

The Digital Divide
Role of broadband networks in securing knowledge-based regions

USO Releases Web-Based Training System
Informs you about satellite technology and working with ESA Telecom

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