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Exercise 2: Animation
Animate the two colour RGB composite images by using the Animation tool.

Adjust the Frames per second as appropriate. You can also pause the animation using the pause button and use the arrows on your keyboard to go through the images.  

1. Where do you see glacier retreat?

2. Do you see any glacier advancement?

3. Which glacier seems to have retreated the most?

4. Do you see any glacier lakes that have changed?

5. Compare your findings with others in your class, and make a list of the most important changes you find.


Climate change and glaciers
Worksheet introductionExercise 1: Inspection of true colour RGB compositesExercise 3: Band ArithmeticExercise 4: GISExercise 5: Measurement of areaExercise 6: Multitemporal analysisConclusions
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