ESA title
Fuglesang returns to Sweden for the first time since his mission to ISS between 9-22 December
Science & Exploration

ESA astronaut Christer Fuglesang to visit Stockholm

19/01/2007 1536 views 1 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Celsius Mission - English version

On Thursday 25 January, ESA astronaut Christer Fuglesang lands at Stockholm's Arlanda airport for a four day visit to Sweden. During his visit Fuglesang will, among other things, meet members of the Royal Family and representatives of the Swedish government. On Friday he will be welcomed home at an official ceremony at Stockholm's Central Station.

Programme for Thursday 25 January

Stockholm Arlanda 07.35
Photo opportunity at landing. Space minister Maud Olofsson welcomes Christer Fuglesang home.
Uncovering of portrait in arrival hall Terminal 5.
Public and press should gather no later than 07:45 at the Pressbyrån in the arrival hall. Short interview opportunities.

Rosenbad 11.30
Lunch with representatives of the government in the guest cantine 11:30 – 12:15.
Short interview opportunity.
Short press meeting at Rosenbad, location Bella Venezia 12:30 – 13:00

The Swedish National Space Board 13.45
Press conference and individual interviews at the Swedish National Space Board at Solna Strandväg 86, in Solna.
13.45–14.15 Christer talks about his space mission and answers questions.
14.15–14.30 Photo opportunity indoors as well as outdoors.
14.30– Pre-booked individual interviews.

Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Campus Valhallavägen 17:00
Christer visits his old University. Presentations for invited public in F1, Lindstedtsväg 22.

If you want to attend Thursday's programme or book an individual interview in connection with the press conference at the Swedish National Space Board, please apply no later than Tuesday 23 January to Louise Sjöstrand at the Swedish National Space Board at

Programme for Friday 26 January

The Royal Palace 11.00
Reception by the King and Queen. No interviews. Photo opportunities.
Contact the Royal press service.

Smedslättsskolan i Bromma 14.30
Student meeting at Christer's old school. Interviews and photo opportunities. If you want to attend, please apply no later than Tuesday 23 January to Louise Sjöstrand at the Swedish National Space Board at

Stockholm's Central Station 17.00
Sweden's first astronaut is welcomed home by the Swedish people.
On stage will be, among others, Lars Leijonborg, Minister for Education and Research, students from Knivsta, and artists September and Benjamin Wahlgren - singing his hit "Jag är en astronaut" ("I am an astronaut"). Master of ceremonies will be Carin Hjulström-Livh.

If you have any questions, please contact

Johan Marcopoulos
Swedish National Space Board
Phone: 08-627 64 88
Mobile: 070-640 64 88

Rosita Suenson
ESA Communication Office, ESTEC
Phone: +31 71 565 3009
Mobile: +31 652 062 158

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