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Logo missie DELTA
Science & Exploration

The Netherlands goes to space with DELTA Mission

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Delta Mission

ESA astronaut André Kuipers' flight to the International Space Station (ISS) at the end of April has been named the 'DELTA Mission'. DELTA stands for Dutch Expedition for Life Science, Technology and Atmospheric Research.

This name gives an impression of the broad-based scientific programme that Kuipers is going to perform on board the International Space Station.

Delta in the Netherlands

DELTA also makes reference to the Dutch Delta Works, which protect the land from the ravages of the North Sea during storms, and thus to the inventiveness of the Netherlands. Of course, DELTA also refers to the river delta that has shaped the Netherlands and endows it with an important position in international shipping.

The mission logo

The mission's logo, designed by Crasborn Grafisch Ontwerpers bno of Valkenburg-aan-de-Geul, shows a red, white and blue globe to indicate the colours of the Dutch flag. On the right, there are three stars in the form of the Greek capital letter Delta. These refer to the cooperation between the Netherlands, the European Space Agency and Russia. Finally, the name of the mission is in the centre and is executed in the fashion of 'De Stijl', the art movement of Piet Mondriaan and others.

The entire design evokes associations with space travel and with its imagery it conveys what the Dutch Soyuz mission is all about: science and innovation.