ESA title
Science & Exploration

Pack your bags for a 10-day trip into space

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / mISSion possible

Science and social studies (debate)
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Preparation: Imagine that you are going to spend 10 days on board the International Space Station (ISS). Living in space is completely new for you, so you want to prepare your trip well. You are now making a list of things that you want to take along. Don’t forget: in space, you will be weightless…


  1. In groups of 4, prepare a list of what you would take. To prepare this list, try to answer to the following questions: what will you eat or drink? Where will you sleep? How will you wash yourself? You are also allowed to take two personal items for your spare time.
  2. The astronauts don’t have much space in the rocket taking them from Earth to the Space Station, and the weight is also limited. Once you have a complete list, discuss in your group how you can reduce the list to the necessary minimum.
  3. Once all the groups are finished, discuss in the class to get one common list. Each group should justify its choice.

Conclusions: Discuss with the class: Was it easy to reach an agreement in your group? How about the whole class? Why? Was there only one correct answer?