ESA title
Science & Exploration

ERA: a new intelligent robotic arm for the International Space Station

Date: Tue, Jul 06, 2021 | 06:30 - 07:25 GMT | 08:30 - 09:25 CEST

Replay: Sat, Jul 10, 2021 | 10:30 - 12:00 GMT | 12:30 - 14:00 CEST

Type: ESA TV Exchange

The European Robotic Arm, or ERA, will soon be launched to the ISS together with the Russian Multipurpose Laboratory Module, NAUKA. ERA is the first robot able to ‘walk’ around the Russian segment of the International Space Station. It has the ability to anchor itself to the Station and move backwards and forwards under its own control, hand-over-hand between fixed base-points. This 11-metre intelligent space robot will serve as main manipulator on the Russian part of the Space Station, assisting the astronauts during spacewalks, moving equipment through the airlock from inside the space station to outside, and perform inspections of the Russian segment.

ERA has been commissioned by the European Space Agency, largely funded by the Dutch government with Airbus Defense and Space Netherlands as its prime contractor.

This VNR includes interviews of :

- Sytze Kampen: ERA Project Manager, Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands (in English & Dutch)

- Andre Kuipers: Astronaut, ESA  (in English & Dutch)

- Philippe Schoonejans: ERA project Manager, ESA (in English & Dutch)

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ERA VNR final script V2.doc