ESA title
Science & Exploration

Columbus Mission Information Kit

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Columbus
Information Kit in one document (13.6 MB) - new version as of 23 January! Download »»
Amended pages only (2 MB) - as compared to the version available before 23 January Download »»

Individual chapters (updated 23 January)


Mission overview Download »»
What is the Columbus Laboratory? Download »»
Columbus Laboratory experiment facilities? Download »»
The crew Download »»
Columbus installation and daily mission activities Download »»
ESA long-duration mission overview: ISS Flight Engineer 2 tasks Download »»
EVA support information Download »»
Launch to landing procedures Download »»
Space Shuttle system Download »»
Launch and landing site Download »»
European experiment programme Download »»
Mission control centres Download »»
Agreements and industry Download »»
European astronauts and Shuttle Download »»
Columbus development history Download »»
ISS general information Download »»
Credits and contacts Download »»

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