ESA title
October 28 - Frank's Soyuz rocket on launch pad number one in Baikonur, Kazachstan
Science & Exploration

Mission photo diary

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Mission Odissea - F. De Winne - english
October 29 - Pre-launch press conference with the crew and back-up Alexander Lazutkin
October 29 - Pre-launch press conference with the crew and back-up Alexander Lazutkin
October 30 - Launch day! Crew donning suits
October 30 - Launch day! Crew donning suits
October 30 - We are ready to go!
October 30 - We are ready to go!
October 30 - Where is the Soyuz launcher? In vain looking through the mist
October 30 - Where is the Soyuz launcher? In vain looking through the mist
November 1 - Awaiting the docking in the TSUP ground control centre in Korolev, Moscow
November 1 - Awaiting the docking in the TSUP ground control centre in Korolev, Moscow
November 1 - The Soyuz TMA-1 crew and a happy Frank De Winne in the International Space Station. The experimental work can begin
November 1 - The Soyuz TMA-1 crew and a happy Frank De Winne in the International Space Station. The experimental work can begin