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Article Images
Øvelse 3: Påvisning af lava: krisebilleder og -kort - Fortsat
  Ændringer fra 1999 til 2003
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 339 kb)
A visual change detection is performed between the Landsat images of 1999 and those of 2003. A region in the south-west and north-east of the summit has been used as an example.

Credits: USGS
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 1001 kb)
The map of the lava flows emitted during the 2002-2003 eruption (shown in red), based in part on post-eruption surveys of the lava fields (much of these carried out by staff of the Catania section of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia). Pyroclastic cones are shown in dark brown color, and eruptive vents in yellow. Lava flowing out during the July-August 2001 eruption are shown in pink for comparison.

Credits: Italy’s Volcanoes (

Påvisning af ændringer og risikovurdering
Introduktion til arbejdsarketØvelse 1: Undersøgelse af vulkanenØvelse 2 – Visuel fortolkning vha. fotos taget fra jordenØvelse 3: Påvisning af lava: krisebilleder og -kortØvelse 4: Risikovurdering: GIS kan hjælpe!
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