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Dew point
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 21 kb)
Dew point is the temperature at which saturated air cools to form water vapour (with relative humidity at 100 percent). Should any further cooling occur, condensation will begin to occur forming clouds.

Credits: ESA
The Foehn wind
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 16 kb)
The figure shows what happens when an air parcel with a temperature of 20 degrees centigrade and a relative humidity of 57% is forced to cross a mountain range with an altitude of 2 500 m. The dew point is reached at 900m and clouds are formed. The air is cooled by approximately 1 degree centigrade per 100 metres until the dew point is reached. Above the condensation level the air is cooled at a lapse rate of 0.5 degrees centigrade per 100m. So the temperature of the air at the top of the range will be 3 degrees centigrade.

Credits: ESA
Jet stream
 HI-RES GIF (Size: 5 kb)
The jet stream in the upper atmosphere determines the weather situation in Europe.

Credits: ESA

Meteorologia e clima
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situação do Foehn
Outros Exemplos
Imagens de Satélite do SareptaImagens METEOSAT do EUMETSATMapas de SuperfícieInternet Weather sourceNOAACartas meteorológicas europeiasCorrente de JactoGráficos de previsão da Corrente de Jacto
Vídeo das nuvensVídeo dos lagos Albani e NemiVídeo das planícies do vale do rio Pó e do sopé dos AlpesVídeo da cobertura de nuvens ao sul de Hannover, AlemanhaAnimação da evolução dos sistemas meteorológicosEntrevista com o co-pilotoSimulação matemática da situação do
foehn, 15-16 Março 2000
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