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The Industrial Ombudsman for ESA in 2013

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ESA / About Us / Business with ESA / How to do

The task of the ESA Industrial Ombudsman is an essential element in the implementation of best practices for the 'Selection of Subcontractors by Prime Contractors in the Frame of ESA's Major Procurements'.

The purpose is to ensure that Prime Contractors selecting sub-contractors in connection with Agency programmes, whether prior to or following the award of Agency contracts, conduct their procurement activities on a fair and equitable basis.

The responsibility of the ESA Industrial Ombudsman is to:

  • Facilitating the resolution of disputes between industry and ESA on potential procedural breach of the ESA Procurement Regulations in the pre-contractual phase in accordance with Part VI of ESA Procurement Regulations (ESA/REG/001).
  • Facilitating the resolution of disputes among industry during procurements in the frame of  “Best Practices”;
  • Facilitating communications between bidders, potential bidders and between contractors and bidders in the resolution of matters arising in the frame of an ESA procurement; and
  • Participating as a member in Dispute Adjudication Boards for amicable resolution of disputes between ESA and the Contractor. During this phase, he is further competent to facilitate communications between contractors.

Jack Bosma, appointed ESA Industrial Ombudsman on 1st January 2013

Jack Bosma
Jack Bosma

Jack Bosma has been an ESA staff member from 1975 to 2012. He is a physicist and engineer by training. He has covered a number of senior positions in ESA programmes and at ESA corporate level.  He completed his active career in the role of ESA Inspector General, responsible for all ESA reviews, chairing major tender evaluations and having performed numerous independent investigations into ESA programmes.

Berthold Schaefer, appointed as back-up of the ESA Industrial Ombudsman on 1st December 2013

Berthold Schaefer
Berthold Schaefer

Berthold Schaefer is an engineer and industrial engineer by training. He started his career in 1972 at the German Aerospace Research Center (DLR). During his professional activities at DLR he has been involved in several international projects and became 1994 head of the Procurement Division. Since 2009 Berthold Schaefer acts as an independent consultant in public procurement subjects, coaching and interim management.

The Industrial Ombudsmen can be contacted at the following addresses:

Jack Bosma, Industrial Ombudsman for ESA

Waterbospark 126

2231 JZ Rijnsburg

The Netherlands

Tel:  +31 714081804

Mobile : +31652598140




Berthold Schaefer, Back-up of the Industrial Ombudsman for ESA

Im Schlangenhoefchen 9A

51427 Berg. Gladbach


Tel: +49 2204 60 359

Mobile: +49 172 255 1781Email:

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