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The ESA Industrial Ombudsman-old-before-april2010

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ESA / About Us / Business with ESA / How to do

The task of the ESA Industrial Ombudsman forms an essential element in the implementation of best practices 'For the Selection of Subcontractors by Prime Contractors in the Frame of ESA's Major Procurements'.

The purpose is to ensure that Prime Contractors requiring to select sub-contractors in connection with Agency programmes, whether prior to or following the award of Agency contracts, conduct their procurement activities on a fair and equitable basis.

The responsibility of the ESA Industrial Ombudsman is:

  • to facilitate the resolution of disputes among industry in the frame of European Space Agency's (ESA) project procurements and technology development procurements, in order to ensure that all contractors are given a fair opportunity of participation in ESA Programmes.
  • listen to concerns from industry about specific issues of competitiveness / competence and consult the appropriate persons within ESA to resolve such concerns before they become a major problem.
  • facilitate communication between bidders, potential bidders, contractors and industry representatives in the resolution of matters arising in the course of an Agency's procurement.
Alain Gaubert
Alain Gaubert

Alain Gaubert has been appointed the ESA Industrial Ombudsman on 1 February 2009.

He was selected on the basis experience at the service of European space industry, in particular as Secretary General of Eurospace (Association of European Space Industry)

The Industrial Ombudsman can be contacted at the following address:

Alain Gaubert, Industrial Ombudsman for ESA
13, rue de l’Esperance
75013 PARIS

Tel:+33 662 11 83 00
Fax: +33 170 71 95 78

Companies wishing to recourse to the services of the Industrial Ombudsman are invited to do so by strictly adhering to the procedure laid down in the "Terms of Reference of the Industrial Ombudsman", see Related links.

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