ESA title
Best Service Challenge

Satellite Rapid Response System wins GMES Masters ‘Best Service Challenge’

10/10/2011 714 views 1 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Copernicus

As a result of an online vote, the first winner of the GMES Masters competition goes to Chelys for their Satellite Rapid Response System. They were voted Best Service Challenge.

The GMES Masters competition called for new ideas and services for the best use of Earth observation data from Europe’s Global Monitoring and Security programme.

The competition, which closed on 15 September, aimed to encourage students, researchers and entrepreneurs, new companies and small to medium enterprises to develop new applications for data from the GMES initiative.

More than 100 ideas were submitted and the winners will be announced following an awards ceremony on 19 October.

In the meantime, the Italian company Chelys has been voted the winner for the Best Service Challenge for their Satellite Rapid Response System.

This part of the competition invited service providers to upload profiles of their existing services to the GMES Masters competition website. Visitors to the website then had the opportunity to vote for the service they found most beneficial to European citizens

Submitted by Luca Mellano from Cheyls, the award-winning Satellite Rapid Response System performs real-time processing of satellite data from ESA and NASA missions, making these data available only two minutes after acquisition.

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