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How to apply

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ESA / Education / ESA Academy

Before applying read very carefully the conditions to apply.  If you are eligible and still interested in applying, please follow the following steps:

  • Fill in the application form;
  • Upload a motivation letter (PDF, maximum 1 page, no images);
  • Upload a CV (PDF, Europass format, maximum 2 pages, no images);
  • Upload a formal recommendation letter (PDF, maximum 1 page, including signature, no images) from a university professor or academic supervisor of current university (if it is not possible to receive the recommendation letter from your referee, please ask them to send a recommendation email to before the application deadline);Upload an official copy of academic records (PDF).

Note that all documents should be provided in English (unless academic records if not available).

For more information, please contact:

Please note that the information detailed above is subject to change without prior notice.