ESA title
Science & Exploration

Spanish primary schools invited to ‘Habla ISS’

15/04/2003 442 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Education

Last week a letter from Spanish ESA astronaut Pedro Duque was sent to 14000 Spanish primary schools inviting them to participate in the ‘Habla ISS’ contest organised by the European Space Agency in collaboration with the ARISS association (Amateur Radio on ISS). The four winning classes will be invited to talk to Pedro Duque via radio contact during the Spanish Soyuz mission.

Pedro Duque will visit the International Space Station in October 2003. He will lift off from Baikonur in Kazakhstan on board a Russian Soyuz rocket. Pedro Duque will stay in space for 10 days, living and working in the International Space Station (ISS), 400 kilometres above the Earth.

During his stay Pedro Duque will take time out from his work schedule to talk to the competition winners live from space. To enter the contest each class has to send in the questions they want to ask Pedro Duque, and either a drawing or an essay.

'Habla ISS' web site

For more information, please visit the ‘Habla ISS’ web site The web site also includes a series of lessons and activities for Spanish primary school teachers to use in the classroom. The questions, drawings and essays entered into the competition will also be published on the web site.

The contest is open to all Spanish primary schools. The closing date for entries is 30 June 2003.

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